Job Invoices On Account Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Invoices On Account sub-tab.

Field Description
Invoice No. This field shows the number of the current job invoice on account or job credit memo on account.
Invoice Date This field shows the date of the current job invoice on account or job credit memo on account.
Invoice Name This field shows the name of the current job invoice on account or job credit memo on account.
Debit/Credit This field shows if the current table line concerns a job invoice on account or a job credit memo on account. If the contents of the field is “Debit,” it is an invoice on account; if the contents of the field is “Credit,” it is a credit memo on account
Amount, Currency This field shows the amount invoiced or credited on account in the job’s currency, excluding tax.
Incl. in Fixed Price A check mark in this field indicates that the invoice on account is included in the fixed price of the job.
Settled This field shows if the current invoice or credit memo on account is fully reconciled.
Reconciliation Amount In this field, you can specify the amount with which you want to reconcile the invoice or credit memo on account at the next regular job invoicing. Maconomy suggests the amount that has not yet been reconciled, which is the difference between the amounts in the fields “Amount, Currency” and “Amount Reconciled, Currency.” The tax amounts are automatically updated.

If the current job is a fixed-price job, and the job parameter attributes “Create Invoice Upon Job Closing” and “Allow Invoicing On Account Only” are both assigned the value “Yes” for the job in question, this field cannot be changed as invoices on account for such jobs are always reconciled when the job is closed.

Reconciled Amount, Currency This field shows any amount which may have been reconciled previously on the current invoice or credit memo on account.
Shared From Job No. This field shows which job in the job collection shares this invoice on account.
Approved for Reconciliation, Currency This field shows the sum of net on account amounts currently reconciling approved draft invoices of entries.
Available for Reconciliation, Currency This field shows the amount currently available for further reconciliation of invoices. This is the amount invoiced on account less the sum of amounts that have been reconciled plus the sum of amounts currently reconciling approved draft invoices.
Currency This field shows the currency of the job.
Tax, Currency This field shows the tax amount of the invoice or credit memo on account in the job’s currency.

If multiple tax codes are enabled, the “Tax, Currency” field will be replaced by the following fields: “Total Tax, Currency,” “Tax 1, Currency,” “Tax 2, Currency,” and, if three tax levels are enabled, “Tax 3, Currency.” The “Total Tax, Currency” field calculates the sum of the other individual tax amount fields. For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”

Reconciliation Tax This field shows the tax amount to be reconciled on the current invoice or credit memo on account.
Tax Reconciled, Currency This field shows any tax amount which may have been reconciled previously on the current invoice or credit memo on account.

If multiple tax codes are enabled, the “Tax Reconciled, Currency” field will be replaced by the following fields: “Total Tax Reconciled, Currency,” “Tax 1 Reconciled, Currency,” “Tax 2 Reconciled, Currency,” and, if three tax levels are enabled, “Tax 3 Reconciled, Currency.” The “Total Tax, Currency” field calculates the sum of the other individual tax amount fields. For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”

Tax Approved for Reconciliation, Currency This field shows the sum of net on account tax currently reconciling approved draft invoices of entries.
Invoice Currency This field shows the currency of the invoice on account. Notice that the invoice currency may be different from the currency specified for the job.
Amount, Invoice Currency This field shows the amount which was printed on the invoice on account, specified in the currency of the invoice. Notice that the invoice currency may be different from the currency specified for the job.
Quantity This field shows the quantity that is transferred from on account selection.
Due Date This field shows the due date of the invoice or credit memo on account.
Printing Date This field shows when the invoice or credit memo on account was printed.
Printed by This field shows the name of the user who printed the invoice or credit memo on account.
Bill to Customer This field shows the name of the bill-to customer assigned to the current invoice or credit memo on account. The relative distribution of job entries on several bill-to customers is called split billing and is defined in the window Bill to Customer Distribution.
Appropriation This field shows the appropriation of the current bill-to customer. An appropriation is an indication of the customer’s source of funding for the job. A customer may, for example, be funding the job via grants from government bodies, and the type of funding for the current invoice or credit memo on account is shown in this field. The appropriation is entered in the window Bill to Customer Distribution.
Being Reopened This field shows that currently a draft invoice or credit memo has been approved, which will reopen some or all of the amount invoiced on this invoice on account.
Being Reopened from Job No. This field shows the job number for which a draft invoice or credit memo has currently been approved. This will reopen some or all of the amount invoiced on this invoice on account.
Being Credited This field shows that currently an approved draft credit note exists so that some or all of the amount invoiced on this invoice on account will be reopened.
Job No. This field shows the number of the job to which any job invoices or job credit memos on account pertain.
Task This field shows the name of the task specified on the invoice on account.
Task Description This field contains a description of the task specified on the invoice on account.
Allocation Group For jobs set up with detailed job invoice allocation, this field shows the allocation group for the underlying job entries for the line.
Activity No. This field shows the number of the activity on the invoice on account.
Activity Name This field shows the name of the activity on the invoice on account.
Invoice Allocation This field indicates whether the amount for invoicing on account on the activity number is available for invoice allocation in the window Job Invoice Allocation.
Activity Type This field shows the type of the activity on the invoice on account.
Exchange Rate This field shows the exchange rate between the currency of the job and the invoice currency on the invoice on account at the time of invoicing.
Employee No. If the activity number on the invoice on account is of the type Time, then an employee is also specified. This field shows the number of the employee specified on the invoice on account.
Employee Name This field shows the name of the employee.
Text 1-5 This field shows the text fields that are transferred from on account.