General Journal Templates Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the General Journal Templates tab.

Template Island

Field Description
Journal No. This is the number of the general journal from which you created the template. You can use the search functions in the Find menu to find the correct template.
Name Here you can enter the name of the template.
Created by This is the name of the user who created the template. It cannot be changed.
Date This is the date the template was created. It cannot be changed.
Period This is the first day in the period the original journal was posted in. it cannot be changed.
Prior-Period Here you can specify that the journal is a prior-period journal, as well as which prior period the journal is for. If you choose a period, the journal is registered as a prior-period journal. The mark is shown in the window Journal Listing, where you can choose to see a list of prior-period journals. In the window Print Posting Journal, you can choose to make a printout or to post just prior-period journals.

In the window G/L Report Set-Up you can extract a financial report based on a prior period.

Prior-period journals are used for entries to periods which have been closed, including entries to previous fiscal years. The prior periods are created in the popup field “Prior Periods” in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field displays the name of the company responsible for the journal used as a basis for the current template. The company name cannot be changed.
Base Currency This field displays the currency used as base currency in the company specified in the field “Company” above. See the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information for a detailed description of the concepts of company base currency and enterprise currency.

Transaction Numbering Island

Field Description
Transaction Type In this field you can specify the default transaction type of the template journal. You can later change the transaction type of individual entries in the General Journal workspace.
Number Series In this field you can select a transaction number series. When you create the general journal, Maconomy will use the next available transaction number in the selected number series for all entry lines in the new general journal. This means that even if the template lines have different transaction numbers, the transaction number will be the same on every line in the new general journal. You can, however, change the transaction number on individual entry lines in the General Journal workspace. You can also enter a specific transaction number on the entry lines by leaving this field blank and instead specifying a fixed transaction number in the field “New Trans. No.”