Inventory Count Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Inventory Count Tab.

Inventory Count Listing Island

Field Description
List No. This is the number of the list shown in the window. Inventory count lists are given a number from the “Inventory Count” number series in the window Number Series in the Set-Up module. You cannot change the number.
Entry Date This is the date any inventory movements and G/L entries for an approved inventory count list are entered. The entry date is always the same as the date an inventory count list is approved.

If the field is blank, the list has not been approved.

Number of Sublistings This field shows the number of sublistings created for the current inventory count listing.
Main Listing No. If the listing currently shown in the window is a sublisting, this field shows the number of the main listing to which the sublisting is assigned. If the listing shown in the window is a main listing, this field shows the same number as the field “List No.”
Remarks This field shows a remark describing the inventory count listing.

The remark was entered in the window Inventory Count Listing when the listing was created. You can change the content of this field on both main listings and sublistings.

Variances This field shows the number of items currently displayed in the table part of the window for which a variance has been registered between Maconomy’s inventory count, that is, the registered number of items, and your manual inventory count. In the island Show Lines, you can select which items to be displayed in the table part of the window.

If you want to see the size of the variances, you can reprint the inventory count list using the “Inventory Count Result” layout.

Maconomy suggests zero as the manually counted figure until you enter another value. The window will therefore show many variances, if the list comprises many items with an inventory volume different from zero.

Variances, Total This field shows the number of items on the current count listing for which a variance has been registered between Maconomy’s inventory count, that is, the registered number of items, and your manual inventory count.

If you want to see the size of the variances, you can reprint the inventory count list using the “Inventory Count Result” layout.

Note that Maconomy suggests zero as the manually counted figure until you enter something else. The window will therefore show many variances, if the list comprises many items with an inventory volume different from zero.

Complete Serial Number Count This field is marked, if the field “Complete Serial No. Count” was marked in the window Inventory Count Listings when the current list was created. If the field is marked, Maconomy has created a count line for each serial number registered in the system. When performing inventory counts for the relevant items, the individual serial numbers at each location and their quantities must be counted in the window Serial No. Count or Inventory Count by Stock Location. The results entered are automatically consolidated on the main count listing.

A list created with a mark in this field can only be approved if the number of serial numbers counted on a certain location is identical to the inventory count made on the same location. At approval of such a list, Maconomy creates an item movement on which the deviations, if any, between the registered number of serial numbers and the counted number of serial numbers are registered.

Show Lines Island

Field Description
Show Lines If you mark this field, the table will show the item lines in the list. If the field is not marked, no items are shown in the table part. If the field is marked, the table will show the items specified by the selection criteria fields in this island. If you want to create a sublisting from the main listing currently shown in the window, this field must be marked in order for any item lines to be copied to the new sublisting.

An item must be shown in the table part before you can record its actual inventory volume, that is, the result of your manual count.

Keep Sel. Crit. In this field, you can mark whether Maconomy should keep the selection criteria specified when you browse through other inventory count listings. This way, you can specify a range of item numbers in the island Show Lines, mark this field, and then browse through the inventory count listings where Maconomy will now only show information about the specified range of items.

If you do not mark this field, the selection criteria specified are reset each time you select another inventory count listing.

Stock Location Here you can enter a range of stock locations. The table will only show items located within this range. The lines are sorted by stock location and item number.

If a stock location range is specified, and you create an inventory count sublisting, the sublisting created will only contain items registered on locations within this range.

The table will only show the items in the inventory count list if you mark the “Show Lines” field.

Item No. Here you can enter a range of item numbers. The table will only show items numbered within this range. The lines are sorted by stock location and item number.

If an item number range is specified, and you create an inventory count sublisting, the sublisting created will only contain items within this range.

The table will only show the items in the inventory count list if you mark the “Show Lines” field.

Line No. Here you can enter a range of line numbers. The lines in the inventory count list are numbered by stock location and item number. The table will only show lines numbered within this range.

If a line number range is specified, and you create an inventory count sublisting, the sublisting created will only contain items on inventory count listing lines within this range.

The table will only show the items in the inventory count list if you mark the “Show Lines” field.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Warehouse This field shows the warehouse that relates this inventory count list. The list will only include items in this warehouse. All inventory volumes in the list are for this warehouse alone. If a sublisting is currently shown in the window, the value in this field is retrieved from the main listing to which the sublisting in question is assigned.

The warehouse was entered in the Inventory Count Listing window when the list was created.

Stock Location This is the stock location range entered in the Inventory Count Listing when the list was created. If a main listing is currently shown in the window, the values in these fields cannot be changed here. If a sublisting is currently shown, the range of location numbers can be changed, and the table part will then only show those lines in the sublisting which pertain to items registered on stock locations within the specified range.
Item No. This is the item number range entered in the Inventory Count Listing when the list was created. If a main listing is currently shown in the window, the values in these fields cannot be changed here. If a sublisting is currently shown, the range of item numbers can be changed, and the table part will then only show those lines in the sublisting which pertain to items within the specified range.
Item Group This is the item group selected in the Inventory Count Listing when the list was created.
Item Type This is the item type selected in the Inventory Count Listing when the list was created. If the window shows an inventory count sublisting, the value in this field is retrieved from the main listing to which the sublisting is assigned.
Statistics 1-4 These are the statistics ranges entered in the Inventory Count Listing when the list was created. If the window shows an inventory count sublisting, the value in this field is retrieved from the main listing to which the sublisting is assigned.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This field shows the name of the company to which the current warehouse is assigned.
Name This field shows the name of the company shown in the field “Company No.” above.
Base Currency This field shows which currency is used as the base currency in the company specified in the field “Company No.” above. For further information about the concepts of company base currencies and enterprise currency, please see the description of the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information in the G/L module.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User.

Status Island

Field Description
Approved This field is marked if the count list has been approved in the Approve Count window. If it is marked, you can no longer make inventory volume registrations in this window’s table. However, you can make a new inventory list for the items in the approved list. If the window shows an inventory count sublisting, the value in this field is retrieved from the main listing to which the sublisting is assigned.

If the field is not marked, you can make manual volume registrations in the table.

Approved by This is the name of the user, who approved the inventory count list in the Approve Count window. If the list has not yet been approved, the field is blank. If the window shows an inventory count sublisting, the value in this field is retrieved from the main listing to which the sublisting is assigned.
Date This field shows the date the count list was approved in the Approve Count window. If it has not been approved, the field is blank. If the window shows an inventory count sublisting, the value in this field is retrieved from the main listing to which the sublisting is assigned.