Inventory Count Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to display the inventory count listings that you created in the Inventory Count Listing workspace and the sublistings that you create in this workspace.

The Inventory Count tab displays information about the inventory count list, and the Inventory Count Lines sub-tab displays the individual items on the list. You can choose to see only some of the items in a list.

When your company wants to perform an inventory count, print an inventory count list in the Inventory Count Listing workspace. If several people need to work on the same inventory count list at the same time, you can create sublistings based on an existing main list. This allows the people who are involved to work on separate sublistings whose results are automatically consolidated on the main listing. Create sublistings using the Create Sublisting action in this workspace. They are shown in the same way as normal inventory count listings in this workspace. For more information about inventory count sublistings, see the description of the Create Sublisting action.

You count the inventory volumes manually and record the result in the inventory count list in this workspace. This entry is the basis of any inventory adjustments that happen after the list is approved in the Approve Count workspace. Note that for items that have serial number control you must count the relevant serial numbers and enter them in either the Serial No. Count workspace or in the Inventory Count by Stock Location workspace. If you do not enter any serial number count results, the approval of the count results in a 100% deviation, and Maconomy resets the quantity of serial numbers. However, it is not necessary to enter the total number of items as well as the counted number of serial numbers in this workspace. When you enter a quantity number on a serial number count line, Maconomy checks whether the counted number of the item in this workspace corresponds to the total number of counted item serial numbers. If this is the case, Maconomy automatically updates the line in this workspace with the latest counted number, and in this way this workspace always displays the total number of counted serial numbers. If the counted number in this workspace and the serial number total do not correspond—for example, if items have been counted on item number level as well as serial number level—Maconomy does not update the inventory count line in this workspace.

You can reprint an inventory count list in the Inventory Count Listing workspace, and you can print quantity and cost variances for each item number.

When you print an item in an inventory count list that has not yet been approved, you can perform movements for it. If you perform inventory changes after you create a list and before you do the manual count, include the inventory changes in the manually recorded figures.

Item movements that happen after you have done the manual count and before you enter the figures in the Inventory Count workspace do not influence the inventory count.

If in the Approve Count workspace you enter a posting date that is before the printing date of the count list—that is, you take out stock before you print out the counting list—you must also take into consideration any inventory changes that happen between the stock-taking and the printout. Inventory changes that happen between the printout of the count list and the time when you enter the actual figures in the Inventory Count workspace have no influence on the inventory count.

You can always delete an inventory count listing. In the Approve Count workspace, you can delete a listing on approval. If you do not delete the list on approval, you must delete the list in this workspace. An item can only appear on one non-approved inventory count main listing for a given warehouse at a time. If you want to create a count listing to replace an existing, non-approved listing, you must first delete the existing list in this workspace.