Inventory Count Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Inventory Count Lines Sub-Tab.

Field Description
Line No. This shows the line’s line number. Lines are numbered by item stock location and item number.

The table only shows items specified in the Show Lines island.

Stock Location This field shows the stock location of the item on the line. If just one of the items included on the current main listing can be counted on more than one location, this field is blank. In order to have the different locations for each item displayed, you must therefore create a sublisting. On such a sublisting, this field displays all locations at which the items are located. On sublistings, you cannot change the locations displayed in this field. If you need to register an inventory count of an item found at a location which is not currently specified on the lines in the table part, you can create a line. However, the location specified on such a line must be within the range of locations specified in the listing’s selection criteria. Note that if you add a line which applies to an item with serial number control, you must also enter or change the relevant information in the windows Serial No. Count or Serial No. Count by Stock Location.

If all items included on the main listing can be counted at only one location each, this field displays the location of each item. In this case, the inventory counting can be registered directly on the main listing. You cannot change the location in this field once a quantity has been entered on this line or on an assigned serial number count line. If you create a sublisting on the basis of such a main listing, the values in this field are blanked on the main listing. The location numbers are hence displayed on the assigned sublisting. The values entered on the sublisting are subsequently consolidated on the main listing.

When created, sublistings are sorted by stock location and item number, but you can add lines anywhere in the table part of sublistings, regardless of this sorting. The warehouse to which the location is assigned is shown in the field “Warehouse” in the island Selection Criteria.

Item No. This is the number of the item on the line. The lines are sorted by stock location and item number. Item number cannot be changed here.
Unit This is the unit recorded for the item in the item information card.

It cannot be changed here.

Description This is the text specified for the item in the field “Description Lang. 1” in the window Item Information Card. It cannot be changed here.
Carton Size In this field, you can specify the number of item units included in a carton. When performing an inventory count, you only have to count the entire cartons plus the number of units in opened cartons.
Number of Cartons In this field, you can enter the number of counted cartons of the current item.
No. of Units in Carton In this field, you can further to the number in whole cartons enter the number of items counted.

For items with serial number control, the relevant serial numbers have to be entered in either the window Serial No. Count or in the window Inventory Count by Stock Location. However, it is not necessary to enter the total number of items as well as the counted number of serial numbers in this window. When you enter a quantity number on a serial number count line, Maconomy checks if the counted number of the item in this field corresponds to the total number of counted item serial numbers. If this is the case, the field is automatically updated with the latest counted number of serial number units, and in this way the total number of counted serial numbers is always shown in this window. When updating, an entered number of cartons will be reset in such a way that the total counted number is displayed in this field. If the counted number in this field and the total number of serial numbers do not correspond, for example, if items have been counted on item number level as well as serial number level, the inventory count line is not updated in this window. Please note that when entering numbers manually in this field, no serial number count lines are updated.

Total Counted This field shows the total number of units counted of the current item. The value in the field is calculated as carton size multiplied by the number of cartons plus number of units on the current line. If there is a variance between the actual inventory and the inventory at the time the inventory count list was created,

Maconomy automatically marks the field “Variance.” This field cannot be changed on neither an inventory count main listing if a result has been entered for the item in question on one or several of the sublistings assigned to the main listing, nor can the field be changed manually on sublistings.

This window does not show the inventory volume recorded by Maconomy. It can be printed in the Inventory Count Listing window and will show the variance in quantity and percentage on the basis of the volume you enter here.

You can change the value entered here until the inventory count list is approved in the Approve Count window. Once it is approved you cannot change it, and the “Approved” field will automatically be marked.

Var. This field is marked if there is a variance between the manually entered inventory volume in the field “Total Counted” and the inventory volume recorded by Maconomy at the time the inventory count list was created in the window Inventory Count Listing. If the total counted number corresponds to the stock quantity recorded by Maconomy, this field is automatically unmarked.

At the approval of an inventory count listing, Maconomy creates inventory change transactions for all items on the count listing so that the quantity of the current item number is updated with the counted quantity. If there is no deviation for an item, the number on the serial number movement for the current item will be zero. For items with serial number control, Maconomy also creates a number of serial number movement lines in order for the quantity of all serial numbers to be updated with the counted quantity. If no deviation is registered on a given serial number, the quantity recorded on the serial number movement line will be zero.

If there is a mark in this field, the line will be included in the figures for the “Variances” and “Total Variances” fields.