G/L Reallocation Workspace

Use this workspace to automatically reallocate G/L entries, letting Maconomy create the necessary G/L entries.

Using this workspace, you can change the allocation combination on a range of G/L entries.

You specify the range of entries that you want to reallocate and the dimension values to which they should be reallocated. If you leave a dimension field blank, the entries keep their current values in that dimension field.

You can also specify whether the entries that a reallocation creates should keep their current transaction numbers, be assigned a specific transaction number, or be assigned numbers from a transaction number series.

Use the Selection Criteria island to specify the entries that you want to reallocate. Maconomy saves these selection criteria by user, so the next time that you open this workspace, you see the same selection criteria.

Use the Entry Information island to enter the new values and specify whether the entries should be assigned new transaction numbers.

Then use the Create Journal action to create one or more reallocation journals, which you can post in the Posting workspace.