Employees Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Employees sub-tab.

Field Description
Send Email This link will open up a new email dialog in your operating system default email client. The to email address will be prefilled with the email address of the employee on the status line.

Additionally the Subject field and message fields will be prefilled with a short sentence regarding the status e.g. “Missing time sheet for week 2” and “Please create a time sheet for the above week”.

The current user (the supervisor) must finixh the email subject and message and send the email.

Employee This field shows the name of the supervisor’s employee.
Internal Time, Total This field shows the total time in hours or days (depending on the time unit specified in the Supervisor Time Sheet Status tab) that this employee registered on internal jobs for the time sheet for the selected period.
External Time, Total This field shows the total time in hours or days (depending on the time unit specified in the Supervisor Time Sheet Status tab) that the employee registered on external jobs for the time sheet for the selected period.
Balance, Total This field shows the difference between registered hours or days (depending on the time unit specified in the Supervisor Time Sheet Status tab) and fixed hours or days.
Invoiceable Time, Total This field shows a sum of the number of invoiceable hours or days (depending on the time unit specified in the Supervisor Time Sheet Status tab) for the employee for the week selected in the tab.
Non-Invoiceable Time, Total This field shows a sum of the number of non-invoiceable hours or days (depending on the time unit specified in the Supervisor Time Sheet Status tab) for the employee for the week selected in the tab.
Total Time This field shows a sum of the total invoiceable and non-invoiceable hours or days (depending on the time unit specified in the Supervisor Time Sheet Status tab) for the employee for the week selected in the tab.
Create Click Create to create a new time sheet for the current employee.
Approve Click this action to approve the time sheet header.
Reject Click this action to reject the time sheet header.
Undo Click this action to undo approval/rejection of the time sheet header.
Approve All Click this action to approve the time sheet header and lines.
Reject All Click this action to reject the time sheet header and lines.
Undo All Click this action undo approval/rejection of the time sheet header and lines.
Rejection Remark

Enter a reason for rejecting the time sheet.

After you reject the time sheet, this field becomes blank.

Created This field shows the name of the user who created the time sheet.
Submitted This field shows the name of the user who submitted the time sheet.
Approved This field is marked if the supervisor approved the time sheet. Maconomy automatically marks this field when a time sheet is approved; Maconomy removes the mark if the time sheet is reopened. Even though this field is marked on a time sheet, that time sheet might not be fully approved because a time sheet is not fully approved until it has been approved by all relevant instances.
Transferred This field is marked if the time sheet has been transferred to a time sheet journal or the time sheet transfer queue (if the Central transfer of time sheets system parameter is marked). Maconomy automatically marks this field when all lines on the time sheet have been transferred. The criteria that determine when a time sheet line is transferred for posting depend on the selected approval principle.
Project Manager Approval This field gives an overview of the project manager approval status for all lines on the employee’s time sheet.