
This section shows the actions available in the Job Journal workspace.

Top Tab

Field Description
Post When you select this action, Maconomy posts the journal in the window and prints a posting journal.

Maconomy checks the field “Post” in the window Actions to verify that you have access to posting journals.

If the system parameter “Submission of Job Journal required” has been marked, this action is only available if the journal has been submitted using the action Submit. Furthermore, if this system parameter has been marked, and the system parameter “Allow Posting of Own Journals” has not been marked, the journal can only be posted by a different user than the one who submitted the journal. However, users for whom the field “Post Own Journals” is marked in the window Actions can always post journals that they submitted.

If the journal contains lines on which the activity was executed within another company than the one responsible for the journal, Maconomy will automatically create intercompany entries in each of the companies involved. However, if the system parameter “Create intercompany entries for companies with same parent company” is not marked, intercompany entries are only created if the two companies involved are not both assigned to the same parent company.

Maconomy uses the current journal for job entries concerning the company specified in the main tab. In addition, Maconomy automatically creates and posts a journal for each of the other companies that have been associated with job entries, if any.

Submit When you select this action, you submit the current job journal as an indication that the journal is complete and ready to be posted. If the system parameter “Submission of Job Journal required” has been marked, the journal must be submitted before it can be posted.

Maconomy checks the field “Submit Journals” in the window Actions to verify that you have access to submitting journals.

If you change the information on a line in the journal once it has been submitted, the journal is no longer registered as submitted.

Reopen If the current journal has been submitted, you can use this action to cancel the submission.
Delete Job Journal Lines When you select this action, all lines in the sub-tab of the current journal are deleted. Maconomy issues a warning before deleting the lines.
Attach Document Use this action to attach a document to the General Journal. For example, this could be a scanned voucher or invoice which serves as documentation for the General Journal.
Note: You can only attach one document per journal, so if you try and add a new document when one is already attached, a dialog displays to give you an option to replace the current document with the new document. The current document is permanently deleted when the new document is attached.

Documents are attached at a journal level, and not a table line level. All the lines refer to the same attached document.

View Document Select the needed Job Journal, then use this action to display the document attached to it, if any.