Print A/R Aging Report Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to print an aging report for one or more customers.

You can use the aging report to calculate your company's liquidity and to decide when to start interest and reminder procedures.

Aging is based on either the due date of the entries or the entry date of the entries. The report shows ranges of dates and which payments are due in each range.

You can specify whether you want to print the aging report based on the due date of the entries or based on the entry date. If you choose to base the report on the entry date, an entry is considered due on the entry date. However, if you choose to base the report on the due date, each entry is considered due on the due date specified on the entry in question. The report shows in which range of dates the entries are due for payment. You enter the date range in the target group fields.

You can select to include customers who have a credit balance. The amount limit that you enter applies to the debit balance on the day of the printout.