
This section shows the Actions available in the Item Purchase Orders workspace.

Top Tab

Field Description
Approve item purchase order Select this action to approve the item purchase order in the window. After having completed an order in the Item Purchase Orders window, you must approve it to be able to print it and process it through the system.

When the order is approved, the items are registered as ordered, that is, Maconomy updates the “Item Purchase Orders” field in the Item Information Card and Item Information windows in the Inventory module. If you have selected an inventory profile, the purchase line will also be shown in the Inventory Profiles window.

Print Item Purchase Order Select this action to print the item purchase order in the window. An item purchase order must be approved before it can be printed.

If you wish to print several item purchase orders at the same time, you can use the “Print Item Purchase Orders” window. In the “Print Item Purchase Orders” window, you can define selection criteria by specifying a range of item purchase order numbers and/or an interval of delivery dates.

Close Item Purchase Order Select this action to close the item purchase order in the window. Closing an item purchase order means you cannot any longer add item lines or enter backorder receipts. If the Item Receipt window is open, and shows the item purchase order from this window, you must close the Item Receipt window before being able to close the item purchase order here.

You may find that the vendor is unable to deliver an item on backorder, because it is discontinued. If so, and the item purchase order is closed, Maconomy cancels the order by resetting the value in the “Item Purchase Orders” field in the Item Information Card and Item Information windows in the Inventory module.

Sort by Item No. When you select this action, item purchase order lines will be sorted by item number. Lines with identical item numbers and description will keep their original sorting order.
Copy Delivery Date When you select this action, the date from the field “Pref. Deliv. Date” in the card part of this window is copied to the field “Deliv. Date” on all lines in the table part of the item purchase order.
Update Item Reservations Using this action, you can update the delivery dates on sales order lines regarding the items specified on the current item purchase order, so that they reflect the latest information on expected delivery (for instance changes in the expected availability date of purchased items). The action only includes lines where the item has inventory profile, and the action ignores sales order lines belonging to sales orders where the field “Urgent” is marked.

For each line on the item purchase order, Maconomy checks which order lines in the Sales Orders module pertain to the same item. Only lines for which no picking or packing list exists are considered in this process. For each of these sales order lines, starting with the one with the earliest delivery date, Maconomy re-reserves the items, and calculates the earliest possible deliver date based on delivery time, the current purchase volume, production volume, order volume, and quantity in stock. This process also includes information on other item purchase orders. If a later date is calculated for a sales order line and the field “Split Order Lines” is marked on the order in question, Maconomy runs the action “Split Line” on the line to see if any of the units can be delivered at an earlier time.

If the delivery date on one of the affected sales order lines is changed to a later one which conflicts with the remaining delivery information on the sales order, Maconomy blocks the line after updating the delivery date. The following situations cause Maconomy to block the line:

  • The sales order has not been approved, a consignment is specified on the line, and the updated delivery date is not the same as the packing date of the consignment
  • The sales order has been approved and does not have partial delivery, and the updated delivery date on the line is later than the one in the card part

You can also use the window Update Item Reservations to update delivery dates on a range of order lines.

Attach Document This action allows you to attach a document to the item purchase order.