Draft Invoice Selection Summary Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Draft Invoice Selection Summary tab.

Work In Progress Island

Field Description
WIP Available This field shows the WIP available for invoicing for time activities and amount activities, as well as the total WIP.
WIP For Invoicing This field shows the amount of WIP to be invoiced.
Carry Forward This field shows the amount of WIP that is currently carried forward.
Billing Price This field shows the billing price for the WIP selected for invoicing.
Write-Up/Down This field shows the write-up/down.
Realization Rate This field shows the realization rate. This is based on the Billing Price and the WIP for Invoicing fields for time.

Overview Island

Field Description
For Invoicing on Account This field shows amounts for invoicing on account.
Budgeted Billing Price This field shows the total budgeted billing price found on the last approved revision of the current budget on the jobs that are included on the draft invoice.
Registered Billing Price This field shows the total registered billing pricethat is, the sum of the billing prices registered to the individual entries.
Write Up/Down to Date This field shows the write-up/down until today’s date. Write-up and write-down are the difference between the registered billing price and the invoiced billing price. Write-ups are shown as positive figures, and write-downs as negative figures.
Realization Rate to Date This field shows the realization rate to date.
Invoiced to Date This field shows the amount invoiced to date for the jobs included in the draft invoice.
Net on Account This field shows the amount net on account for the jobs that are included in the draft invoice.
Total Invoiced to Date This field shows the sum of the invoiced billing price (time-and-material invoices) and the amount net on account, up to this date.