Show Vendor Subcontractor Reconciliation Workspace

Use this workspace to review finance entries associated with vendor invoice lines that have been allocated or reallocated to vendor subcontractors.

Use this workspace to research the origin of finance entries that belong to a journal of type Vendor Invoice.

Use this workspace for vendor subcontractor reconciliation.

This workspace is the lookup equivalent of the Vendor Subcontractor Reconciliation workspace.

This is needed in the Financial Analysis workspace.

This workspace displays an Invoice Allocation Line in the tab, similar to the information that the sub-tab of the Invoice Allocation workspace displays. The Invoice Allocation Line is selected for subcontractor reconciliation. The sub-tab displays the job entries that are reconciling the invoice allocation line, similar to the sub-tab of the Vendor Subcontractor Reconciliation workspace.

You can bind the Show Vendor Invoices and Show Vendor Subcontractor Reconciliation workspaces to get an overview of the vendor invoices reconciled against job entries. This shows by example the work (time entry) done by a vendor subcontractor, corresponding to a specific vendor invoice.