Vendor Subcontractor Reconciliation Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Vendor Subcontractor Reconciliation tab.

Invoice Island

Field Description
Trans. No. This field shows the transaction number of the invoice or credit memo.
Transaction Type This field shows the transaction type of the invoice or credit memo.
Invoice No. This field shows the invoice number of the vendor invoice
Invoice Date This field shows the date of invoice or credit memo.
Vendor Invoice Type This field shows whether the vendor invoice involves a credit or a debit transaction.

Allocation Line Island

Field Description
Journal No. This field shows the number of the journal that the invoice on which the current allocation line is based belongs to.
Journal Line No. This field shows the number of the line that the invoice on which the current allocation line is based occurs on in the journal shown in the field "Journal No."
Line No. This field shows the number of allocation line in the current invoice.

Vendor Island

Field Description
Vendor This field shows the number of the vendor assigned to the invoice or credit memo.
Pay to Vendor No. This field shows the number of the vendor who is to receive payment for the vendor invoice.