Seasonal Models Workspace

Use this workspace to create and maintain seasonal models for the regulation of purchase requirements in specific periods. You use seasonal models for percentage regulation of the reorder level and the maximum stock of items assigned to a seasonal model when creating item purchase selections.

You use seasonal models for percentage regulation of the reorder level and the maximum stock of items assigned to a seasonal model when creating item purchase selections.

For each seasonal model, you create a line for each period in which the reorder level and the maximum stock are to vary from the norm. For example, if you sell a large number of items in the period of June to August, you can create a seasonal model that has a line in which you specify that the reorder level for items that are assigned to this seasonal model must be 40% larger in this period, and that you must order 60% more of these units when purchasing items in this period.

You can assign each item to a seasonal model in the sub-tab of the Item Information Card workspace, where you can specify a seasonal model for each warehouse. When you create item purchase selections, Maconomy controls for which items there is a regular need to make purchases-that is, which items' volumes might be below the reorder level in the warehouse to which the purchase is made. During this process, Maconomy controls whether the items are assigned to a seasonal model. If they are, Maconomy regulates the reorder level for the current item with the percentage that you specify on the line in the seasonal model that is valid on the day on which the item is to be delivered at the earliest-that is, today's date plus the item's delivery time. If the reorder level for an item is 8 pieces, and the item quantity is 10 pieces, Maconomy does not create an item purchase order line for the item in the current warehouse. However, if the item in the current warehouse is assigned to a seasonal model in which you specified that the reorder level is to be regulated with 50% in the current period, the reorder level is regulated to 12 pieces so that the item quantity is smaller than the reorder level. This regulation results in the creation of an item purchase order line for the item. If units of the item are to be purchased, Maconomy also regulates the maximum stock in accordance with the seasonal model.

If there is no line where the period covers the current date, Maconomy uses the order level and the maximum stock provided on the item's information card. In this way, you only need to create lines for periods where the order level and the maximum stock are to vary from the norm in the Item Information Card workspace.