Seasonal Model Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Seasonal Model Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
From Date With the field “To Date” this field constitutes a range of dates. When creating item purchase selections for items assigned to the current seasonal model, the regulation percentages on the current line will be used if the item purchase selection’s creation date plus the item’s delivery time are both placed at a date within this range. If you leave this field blank, the start date of the range is considered as being open. If you leave this field as well as the field “To Date” blank, the current line will always be used when items assigned to the current seasonal model are purchased.
To Date With the field “From Date” this field constitutes a range of dates. When creating item purchase selections for items assigned to the current seasonal model, the regulation percentages on the current line will be used if the item purchase selection’s creation date plus the item’s delivery time are both placed at a date within this range. If you leave this field blank, the end date of the range is considered as being open, meaning that the period comprises all dates on or after the start date. If you leave this field as well as the field “From Date” blank, the current line will always be used when items assigned to the current seasonal model are purchased.
% Change in Reorder Lvl. In this field, you can enter a regulation percentage for the reorder level. When creating item purchase selections this percentage will be used to regulate the reorder level for items assigned to the current seasonal model. If, for example, the reorder level for an item is 8 pieces while the item quantity is 10 pieces, then no item purchase order line for the item in the current warehouse will usually be created. But if the item in the current warehouse is assigned to a seasonal model in which it is specified that the reorder level is to be regulated with 50% in the current period, the reorder level will be regulated to 12 pieces in such a way that the item quantity is smaller than the reorder level. This regulation will then result in a creation of an item purchase order line for the item.
% Change in Max. Stock In this field, you can enter a regulation percentage for the maximum stock. When purchase lines for items assigned to the current seasonal model are created via an item purchase selection, this percentage will be used to regulate the maximum stock for the item which can result in a change of the purchased number of items.