Finance Budget Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Finance Budget Lines sub-tab.

Each line in the table represents a single employee and each field shows a value of that specific employee.

Field Description
Name This field shows the name of the employee.
Employee Category This field shows the employee category of the specific employee and is used to derive the productive and unproductive percentages (percentage of working hours) of the employee.
Annual Hours This field shows the total number of hours for the specific employee represented on the line associated with the budget (unproductive plus productive hours).
Unproductive Time Percentage 1-5 Five fields show a percentage of the employed hours that are used on non-work related tasks, for example, vacation. Each field corresponds to the work type defined in System Information.
Unproductive Time 1-5 Five fields show the number of employed hours that are used on non-work related tasks, for example, vacation. Each field corresponds to the work type defined in System Information.
Productive Hours This field is used to specify the number of available (productive) hours. It equals the difference between the Annual Hours and the sum of unproductive hours.
Productive Time Percentage 1-5 Five fields show a percentage of the working hours that are used on work related tasks, for example, invoicable hours. The 5 percentages should sum up to 100. Each field corresponds to the work type defined in System Information. This is a percentage of the total amount of productive hours, not a percentage of the total amount of annual hours.
Productive Time Hours 1-5 Five fields show an amount of hours calculated from the total amount of productive hours and the related Productive Time Percentage field. Each field corresponds to the work type defined in System Information.
Productive Time Rate 1-5 Five fields used to specify a rate for the working hours that are used on work related tasks, for example, invoicable hours.
Productive Time Income 1-5 Five fields show the income for the working hours that are used on work related tasks, for example, invoicable hours.
Total Income Total expected income for all types of work hours.