Main Budget

If you have access to a main budget, you can specify value on it directly or on sub-budget lines.

If you have access to a main budget you can specify values on it, either directly on the lines of the budget or on lines of any sub-budget of the main budget. Depending on the type of the line, you can only change certain fields manually.

You can add lines, move lines, and delete lines.

Lines that you create based on a template have restrictions on which fields can be changed, such as the name, type, indentation, and order of the lines. However, you can change between the Manual and Calculation line types of some lines by using actions.

You can attach sub-budgets to each main budget. You can create some from the template and create, change, and delete others manually. Several budget types are available for use with these sub-budgets; each type has a different purpose and meaning.