Job Price List Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Price List Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Line No. When you create a line, you can specify the number of the line here. The other lines in the sub-tab are renumbered accordingly. If you do not enter a number, the line is added at the bottom of the table.
Act. No. In this field, you can enter the number of an activity for which you want to calculate a price or a markup. If you leave this field blank, the activity number is not included in the combination of factors that cause the line to be used on an entry in, for example, a job journal. Note that for a job price list line to be activated when you are making job entries, all completed fields on the price list line must match the job entry.
Activity Type. In this field, you can enter the type of an activity for which you want to calculate a price or a markup. You can choose one of the predefined values “Time” or “Amount.” If you leave this field blank, and if you have specified an activity number in the Act. No. field on the line, Maconomy automatically derives the type of the activity specified.
Price Group, Act. The functionality of this field is similar to that of the Act. No. field.
Empl. The functionality of this field is similar to that of the Act. No. field.
Employee Category No. The functionality of this field is similar to that of the Act. No. field.
Employee Type The functionality of this field is similar to that of the Act. No. field. In cases where a job budget line in the Job Budgets workspace has been assigned to an employee category, but not to an employee, Maconomy compares the employee type specified as a membership criterion with the value in this field. The current job price list line is only used if the employee type on the category is blank, if this field is blank, or if both fields have the same value.
Price Group. Empl. The functionality of this field is similar to that of the Act. No. field. In cases where a job budget line in the Job Budgets workspace has been assigned to an employee category, but not to an employee, Maconomy compares the job price group that belongs to the employee category with the value in this field when the price is calculated from a general job price list.
Task The functionality of this field is similar to that of the Act. No. field.
Price Group, Task The functionality of this field is similar to that of the Act. No. field.
Responsible Company Enter the number of the responsible company for which you want to calculate a price or a markup. If you leave this field blank, the responsible company is not included in the combination of factors that cause the line to be used on an entry in, for example, a job journal.
Executing Company Enter the number of the executing company for which you want to calculate a price or a markup. If you leave this field blank, the activity number executing company is not included in the combination of factors that cause the line to be used on an entry in, for example, a job journal.
Marked This field is used for selecting a line for adjustment or deletion. You can select this field can be marked or by using the Mark Lines action.

When you have selected a number of fields as “Marked,” you can adjust the cost, intercompany and billing prices, the markup percentage, or the overtime charge specifications on the marked lines by entering the appropriate values in the Adjust Job Price List and Adjust Overtime Charge islands and subsequently using the Adjust Marked action. In this way, all selected lines are updated in accordance with the values specified in the Adjust Job Price List and Adjust Overtime Charge islands.

If you want to deselect the lines that were marked, you can use the Unmark Lines action. However, if you want to deselect only a few lines, you can manually remove the selection in the Marked field on the lines in question.

If you want to delete all or some of the lines in the sub-tab, you can use the Delete Marked action. When you use this action, all lines whose Marked field is selected are deleted from the job price list in question. See the description of the relevant actions for further information about these actions.

Location The functionality of this field is similar to that of the Act. No. field.
Entity The functionality of this field is similar to that of the Act. No. field.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to that of the Act. No. field.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to that of the Act. No. field.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of this field is similar to that of the Act. No. field.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of this field is similar to that of the Act. No. field.
Cost The cost price specified in this field can be split into base salary rate and overhead rate, which are used for time activities. Note that this is optional: if no base salary rate and no overhead rate are specified, then the cost price is interpreted as the base salary rate. If a cost price and a base salary rate and/or overhead rate are specified, the cost price must equal the base salary rate plus the overhead rate.
The value specified in this field is the cost per hour or day, depending on the following:
  • The time unit specified in the line
  • The time unit specified in the Job Price Lists tab (if the time unit is not specified in the line)
Base Salary Rate A nonzero base salary rate in the price list overrides a base salary rate on employees and employee categories. The base salary rate is only used for time activities. If no base salary rate and no overhead rate have been specified, the cost price on the line is interpreted as the base salary rate.
The value specified in this field is the base salary rate per hour or day, depending on the following:
  • The time unit specified in the line
  • The time unit specified in the Job Price Lists tab (if the time unit is not specified in the line)
Overhead Rate A nonzero overhead rate in the price list overrides an overhead cost rate on employees and employee categories. The overhead rate is only used for time activities.
The value specified in this field is the overhead rate per hour or day, depending on the following:
  • The time unit specified in the line
  • The time unit specified in the Job Price Lists tab (if the time unit is not specified in the line)
Intercompany Price In this field, you can enter an intercompany price to be used for the current combination of activity, employee, task, and dimension values on job entries in workspaces such as Job Journal. The amount is entered in the currency selected in the Currency, Intercomp. field in the Currency island. If you do not enter a value here, Maconomy finds the intercompany price using the order of priorities described in “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost Module,” even if another line with a higher line number matches the job entry.

You cannot enter both an intercompany price and an intercompany price percentage on the same line. If you specify an intercompany price on a line on which an intercompany price percentage has already been specified, the intercompany percentage is set to 0 (and vice versa).

The value specified in this field is the intercompany price per hour or day, depending on the following:
  • The time unit specified in the line
  • The time unit specified in the Job Price Lists tab (if the time unit is not specified in the line)
Intercompany Price % In this field, you can enter an intercompany price percentage to be used for the current combination of activity, employee, task, and dimension values on job entries in workspaces such as Job Journal.

If you specify an intercompany price percentage, the intercompany price on each job entry is calculated as the specified percentage of the billing price on the entry in question.

You cannot enter both an intercompany price percentage and an intercompany price on the same line. If you specify a percentage on a line on which an intercompany price has already been specified, the intercompany price is set to 0 (and vice versa).

Zero Intercompany Price % Select this check box to specify that the zero value in the Intercompany % field is equal to zero and not undefined.
Billing Price In this field, you can enter a billing price to be used for the current combination of activity, employee, and dimension values on job entries in workspaces such as Job Budgets. The amount is entered in the currency selected in the Currency, Sales field in the Currency island. If you do not enter a value here, Maconomy finds the cost using the order of priorities described in “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost Module,” even if another line with a higher line number matches the job entry.
The value specified in this field is the billing price per hour or day, depending on the following:
  • The time unit specified in the line
  • The time unit specified in the Job Price Lists tab (if the time unit is not specified in the line)
Markup % In this field, you can enter a markup percentage to be used for the current combination of activity, employee, task, and dimension values on job entries in workspaces such as, Job Budgets. If you do not enter a value here, Maconomy finds the markup percentage using the order of priorities described in “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost Module,” even if another line with a higher line number matches the job entry.

Note that there is no connection between the Billing Price and Markup % fields in this workspace. This means that the billing price on a line is not calculated from the cost when you enter a markup percentage on the same line.

Zero Markup %

Select this check box to specify that the zero value in the Markup % field is equal to zero and not undefined.

When this check box is selected, Maconomy does not attempt to derive a sales price, potentially with an indicated markup, from a different source, such as a general price list or an employee record.

Base Salary Markup % If the Use markup % for time activities system parameter is selected, markup percentages in price lists are also applied to time entries. In this field, you can specify a markup percentage relative to the base salary rate.
Zero Base Salary Markup %

Select this check box to specify that the zero value in the Base Salary Markup % field is equal to zero and not undefined.

When this check box is selected, Maconomy does not attempt to derive markup percentages from a different source, such as a general price list or an employee record, to be applied to time entries.

Standard Billing Price The functionality of this field is similar to that of the Billing Price field. Contrary to the entered billing price, the standard billing price cannot be changed in workspaces such as Job Budgets and Job Journal. The difference between the standard billing price, the entered billing price, and the invoiced billing price (as found in the Invoice Selection workspace) can be used for performance analyses. For more information, see “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost Module.”
The value specified in this field is the standard billing price per hour or day, depending on the following:
  • The time unit specified in the line
  • The time unit specified in the Job Price Lists tab (if the time unit is not specified in the line)
Standard Markup % The functionality of this field is similar to that of the Markup % field, but applies to the standard billing price only.
Zero Standard Markup % Select this check box to specify that the zero value in the Standard Markup % field is equal to zero and not undefined.
Zero Adjustment % Select this check box to specify that the zero value in the Adjustment % field is equal to zero and not undefined.
Standard Base Salary Markup % This is similar to the preceding field, but for specifying the standard billing price as a markup percentage applied to the base salary rate.
Zero Standard Base Salary Markup %

Select this check box to specify that the zero value in the Standard Base Salary Markup % field is equal to zero and not undefined.

When this check box is selected, Maconomy does not attempt to derive markup percentages from a different source, such as a general price list or an employee record, to be applied to time entries.

Activity Name This field shows the name of the activity specified in the Act. No. field on the line in question.
Task Description This field shows the description of the task specified in the Task field on the line in question. However, you should note that if several descriptions exist for the task specified in the Task field on the line, this field is automatically blanked by Maconomy.
Employee Name This field shows the name of the employee specified in the Employee field on the current line.
Overtime Spec. In this pop-up field, you can select an overtime specification for the current line. Overtime specifications are defined in the Popup Fields workspace in the Set-Up module.
When entering time, for example, in a time sheet, a user can specify that the work was performed using overtime, for instance, during the weekend. The price for that entry is then found in the following way:
  1. The basic price is found for the current combination of activity, employee, task, and so on, on the time sheet line.
  2. If a matching overtime specification (for example, “Weekend”) is entered on the price list line on which Maconomy found the price, the amounts or percentages entered in the Overtime Charge fields are added to the price.
  3. If no matching overtime specification is found on the line, Maconomy scans the price list for a line with the overtime specification in question that does not contradict the allocation combination from the time sheet line. For instance, the job price list may contain a line that is blank except froform the overtime specification “Weekend” and some percentage specifications in the Overtime Charge % fields.
  4. On the basis of this, the final price is calculated and used in subsequent billings.
  5. If no matching overtime specification is found in the price list, no overtime is calculated.

You can choose to enter the addition to the price as an amount or as a percentage of the original price. Additions to cost, intercompany price, and billing price can be entered separately.

Overtime Charge %, Overhead Enter a value to determine the percentage of the overhead rate before it is added to the cost of the job entry as calculated by the current price list. This applies only if you have specified an overtime specification in the Overtime Spec. field.

You can enter a value that is greater than or equal to -100%.

Note that if you enter zero as a value, this indicates that the field should be left as is, and no calculations will occur.

Overtime Charge %, Base Salary Enter a value to determine the percentage of the base salary rate should be added to the cost of the job entry as calculated by the current price list. This applies only if you have specified an overtime specification in the Overtime Spec. field.

You can enter a value that is greater than or equal to -100%.

Note that if you enter zero as a value, this indicates that the field should be left as is, and no calculations will occur.

Overtime Charge, Cost If an overtime specification has been selected in the Overtime Spec. pop-up field, you can enter in this field an amount that should be added to the cost of a job entry as calculated by the current price list.

The value specified in this field is the cost per hour or day, depending on the following:

  • The time unit specified in the line
  • The time unit specified in the Job Price Lists tab (if the time unit is not specified in the line)

For more information about overtime specifications, see the description of the Overtime Spec. field.

Overtime Charge %, Intercompany The functionality of this field is similar to that of the Overtime Charge %, Cost field, but specifies the addition to the intercompany price.
Overtime Charge, Intercompany The functionality of this field is similar to that of the Overtime Charge %, Cost field, but specifies the addition to the intercompany price.
The value specified in this field is the intercompany overtime charge per hour or day, depending on the following:
  • The time unit specified in the line
  • The time unit specified in the Job Price Lists tab (if the time unit is not specified in the line)
Overtime Charge %, Billing The functionality of this field is similar to that of the Overtime Charge %, Cost field, but specifies the addition to the billing price.
Overtime Charge, Billing The functionality of this field is similar to that of the Overtime Charge %, Cost field, but specifies the addition to the billing price.
The value specified in this field is the billing overtime charge per hour or day, depending on the following:
  • The time unit specified in the line
  • The time unit specified in the Job Price Lists tab (if the time unit is not specified in the line)
Time Unit Use this field to specify the time unit for prices on time activities. You must fill in this field in both the tab and sub-tab. When you create a line here, the field is auto-populated with the default value from the tab. Price calculation relies on the time unit specified on the line.
Currency, Cost In this field, you can specify the currency of the cost price. If blank, the cost is in the currency specified in the tab.
Currency, Intercomp. Similar to Currency, Cost, but for intercompany price.
Currency, Sales Similar to Currency, Cost, but for the sales price.