Show Year End Closing Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Show Year End Closing tab.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field shows the name of the company for which the currently displayed year-end closing was performed.

Time Island

Field Description
Date This field shows the date of the year-end closing.
Time This field shows the time when the year-end closing was processed.
Made by This field shows which user processed the year-end closing.

Closing Island

Field Description
Fiscal Year This is the fiscal year of the year-end closing. Maconomy always calculates the year-end closing for the fiscal year specified for the current company in the Company Information window.
Total Debits This is the debit total from accounts with a debit balance. The result is calculated when you close the year.
Total Credits This is the credit total from accounts with a credit balance. The result is calculated when you close the year.
Account This is the account to which the year-end closing is transferred. The account number is retrieved from the posting reference specified in the System Information window in the Set-Up module.