Job Budget Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Budget Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Description In this field, you can edit the description of the current timing plan/job budget line.

Note that in the description of the following fields, the timing plan/job budget line is called a “task.” For more information, please see the description of the window Job Budgets.

Line Type In this pop-up field, you select the type of the current job budget line. Selecting a value is mandatory. In the card part, the field “Default Line Type” in the island Line Creation defines the default value of this field, that is the value which is automatically suggested when you create the line. You may then select something else. You can choose from the following values:
  • Sum/Text — If you select this value, the current line can be used as a text line, simply adding a line of text to the budget, or as a sum line. A sum line is used as a grouping level when you use work breakdown structure as described in “Getting Started with the Java™ Client.” In both cases, no reference to activity or task may be specified on the line, and the line cannot be marked as a milestone.
  • Time — If you select this value, the current line is used for specifying a time activity. The activity number will change to the activity specified in the job parameter attribute “Default Time Activity” of the type “Budgeting.”
  • Outlay — If you select this value, the current line is used for specifying an outlay activity. The activity number will change to the activity specified in the job parameter attribute “Default Outlay Activity” of the type “Budgeting.”
  • Amount — If you select this value, the current line is used for specifying an amount activity. The activity number will change to the activity specified in the job parameter attribute “Default Amount Activity” of the type “Budgeting.”
  • Milestone — If you select this value, the current line is used for specifying a milestone. Any existing activity number will be removed, and the field “Milestone” will be marked (this field is not shown in the standard layout of the Job Budgets window).

Note that by changing the line type, you change the activity number. See the description of the field “Act. No.” for considerations with regard to changing the activity number.

If you specify an activity in the field “Act. No.,” this field will change to reflect the type of activity you entered, that is either “Time,” “Amount,” or “Outlay.”

Planned Starting Date In this field, you can edit the date on which you plan to start the current task. Note that the planned starting and ending dates might change when you select the action “Calculate Dates,” according to the description of that action and the introduction to this window.
Planned Ending Date The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Planned Starting Date.”
Task In this field, you can edit the task selected for the current timing plan/job budget line. If the current line is a milestone, you cannot enter a task in this field.
Activity No. In this field, you can edit the activity selected for the current timing plan/job budget line. If the current line is a milestone, you cannot enter an activity in this field.
Team 1 In this field, you can enter or edit the number of the team of employees to be assigned as “Team 1” to the job. If the field “Derive Teams” is marked for the line, the team specified as “Team 1” in the card part for the job is transferred to this field. If a team is selected, it is only possible to assign an employee to the job budget line in other windows if the employee is member of the selected team. For more information, see the introduction to this window.
Team Name 1 This field shows the name of the team entered in the field “Team 1.”
Depending on Line No. You can use this field to enter a reference to the line number of another line in the timing plan. By doing so, you add a dependency to the task of the referenced line, so that the current task depends on both the preceding task and the referenced task. The line number should refer to the hierarchical number according to the table part structure. The hierarchical line numbers can be seen by setting the table part to show line identifiers (see “Viewing/Hiding Structure Line Numbers” in the chapter “Getting Started with the Java™ Client”).

You can delete or otherwise manipulate dependencies in the window Job Budget Line Dependencies or use the graphical Gantt Chart component in the Portal (preferred). For more information, please see the section on “Graphical Resource Planning” in the Portal Modules reference manual.

To reset the dependencies to the starting position where each task depends on the previous task with a date, select the action “Create Dependencies.” For more information, see the description of the action “Create Dependencies.”

If you use the action “Create Dependencies” to make dependencies between the tasks, this field is completed automatically. You can also add any number of dependencies in this field manually, making the current task depend on multiple tasks. After making manual dependencies in the field, you can delete the line number in this field to delete the added dependencies one at a time. When you delete a dependency, Maconomy will show the next dependency in this field. In the window Job Budget Line Dependencies, you can get a better overview of dependencies involving multiple tasks, and you can add dependencies to tasks which belong to other jobs.

Primary Date In this pop-up field you can select a primary date. Primary dates are created in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module, where a maximum of ten different primary dates can be set up. By using primary dates, you can ensure that all jobs use the same framework for certain events or milestones. For instance, say that all jobs go through the same sequence: “Creative Brief,” “Brief, First Creative Internal,” “First Team Internal,” “Final Creative Internal,” and “Final Team Internal.” By setting up this sequence as primary dates, you can assign a task or milestone to each primary date. This makes it possible to compare reports for a number of different jobs you can, for example, read from a report how many jobs have passed the “First Team Internal” date but not the “Final Creative Internal” date.

You cannot select the same primary date for multiple tasks.

Quantity This field shows the number of hours specified for the current task.
Quantity, Days The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Quantity” above. However, this field only applies to time activities, and you enter the quantity as a number of days instead of a number of hours. If you enter a number of days, it is automatically converted into a number of hours which is inserted into the field “Quantity.” The number of hours is calculated by multiplying the number of days by the value in the field “Hours per Man Day” in the card part of the window Jobs.
Completed By marking this field, you mark the current task or milestone as completed. The field is for information only.
Suggested Duration In this field you can enter an estimate of the duration of the current task. The number of days entered here will affect the planned starting and ending dates of this task and all subsequent tasks when you select the action “Calculate Dates.”
Suggested Delay In this field you can enter a number of days of delay between the previous and the current task. When you select the action “Calculate Dates,” the delay entered in this field will be added to the starting date of the current task.
External Date If you mark this field, the current timing plan line will be included in timing plan printouts if you mark the field “Include External Dates Only” in the window Print Job Budgets (also opened if you select Print… in this window). This is a way to print an external timing plan, that is, a timing plan which you can send to a customer.
Fixed Date If this field is marked, any planned starting and ending dates on this line cannot be changed automatically when carrying out the action “Calculate Dates” or when using the Gantt component to manipulate the dates. If a duration and a planned ending date are specified on the line, the planned starting date will be calculated as the ending date less the duration when the action “Calculate Dates” is selected, and the dates of subsequent lines are calculated from the specified ending date on this line.
Derive Teams If you mark this field, the current timing plan line will inherit the team or teams specified in the table part. Team 1 in the table part will be copied to the field “Team 1,” team 2 will be copied to “Team 2,” and so on, when you mark this field or when you enter or change teams in the card part.

If you have specified or derived one or more teams on the line, and you remove the mark in this field, the specified team or teams will remain on the line.

Activity Name This field shows the name of the activity on the current timing plan line.
Task Description This field shows the description of the task on the current timing plan line.
Team 2-6 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Team 1” above.
Team Name 2-6 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Team Name 1” above.
Milestone — If you mark this field, the task on the current line is considered to be a milestone. This means that the task has no duration (the planned starting date and the planned ending date are identical). Furthermore, no activity or task can be assigned to a milestone line the line must be a text line. Milestones are used for traffic reporting purposes, and should not be confused with the milestones in the window Invoicing Plans.
Location In this field you can see or edit a value for the dimension Location for the current timing plan line. For more information, see the corresponding field in the window Job Budgets.
Entity The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Planned Starting Date

Enter the date on which you plan to begin the activity.

Maconomy uses the prices valid as of this date when deciding which version of the price list assigned to the job, if any, should be used for price calculation on job budget lines. If you do not specify a date in this field, Maconomy uses today's date for the calculation of prices.

If you later change the value in this field, Maconomy will recalculate prices on job budget lines only if the budget has not been approved, and if the system is set up to update prices upon dimension change in the System Parameters workspace. You can also choose to have Maconomy recalculate prices by using the Recalculate Job Budget action. When you use this action, Maconomy will also use the price lists valid as of the date specified in this field, if any, for the recalculation.

By using the Transfer Job Dates action, you can prepopulate this field with the value of the Start Date field in the Jobs workspace for the current job. At the same time, the Planned Ending Date field is populated with the value of the Estimated Ending Date field in the Jobs workspace.

When you create requisitions or purchase orders from the current line, the date in this field is transferred to the Pref. Deliv. Date field in the tab of the requisition or purchase order and the Delivery Date field in the sub-tab. In addition, the specified date can be used in reports.

If you copy a budget with a planned starting date to a new budget with the same job number, this field will also be copied to the new budget. However, you should note that a date in this field does not influence the possibility of assigning periods to the budget line in the Periodic Job Budgets workspace.

When the Calculate Dates on Budget Sum Lines Only When All Sublevels Have a Date system parameter is enabled,

the planned starting date is displayed only when all the sublevel lines have a date.

Planned Ending Date

Enter the date you plan to end the activity. The date specified will be of importance in the Detailed Planning workspace in the Resource Planning module; the date specified in this field will be copied to planning lines created based on the budget in question.

By using the Transfer Job Dates action, you can prepopulate this field with the value of the Estimated Ending Date field in the Jobs workspace for the current job. At the same time, the Planned Starting Date field is populated with the value of the Start Date field in the Jobs workspace.

When the Calculate Dates on Budget Sum Lines Only When All Sublevels Have a Date system parameter is enabled,

the planned ending date is displayed only when all the sublevel lines have a date.

First Possible Starting Date

This field shows the first possible starting date of the activity. The specified date is for reference only, for example, for use in reports.

When the Calculate Dates on Budget Sum Lines Only When All Sublevels Have a Date system parameter is enabled,

the first possible starting date is displayed only when all the sublevel lines have a date.

Last Possible Ending Date

This field shows the last possible ending date of the activity. The specified date is for reference only, for example, for use in reports.

When the Calculate Dates on Budget Sum Lines Only When All Sublevels Have a Date system parameter is enabled,

the last possible ending date is displayed only when all the sublevel lines have a date.