Show Invoice Foundation Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Show Invoice Foundation tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Show Only Up/Down Contributions If you mark this checkbox, the table part will only display job entry lines whose values contribute to a write-up or write-down of the relevant invoice selection.
Show Only Approved For Invoicing If you mark this check box, the table part will only display job entry lines that have been approved for invoicing.
Show Only Selected For Invoicing If you mark this check box, the table part will only display job entry lines that have been selected for invoicing.
Fixed Price Entries This pop-up field allows you to select whether the entries shown in the table part must be included in the fixed price or not. This field is only relevant if the current job is a fixed-price job.

If you select “Included in Fixed Price,” only job entries included in the fixed price agreed on the job will be displayed in the table part. Selecting “Not Included in Fixed Price” will display all job entries not included in the fixed price, while selecting a blank value will display all entries without any consideration to fixed price.

Activity Type This pop-up field lets you narrow the selection criteria down by selecting the desired value in the field. For instance, select “Time” if you only want job entries for time activities to be displayed in the table part for the current job.
Employee No. These fields allow you to specify a range of employee numbers whose associated job entries should be displayed in the table part for the current job.
Activity No. These fields allow you to specify a range of activity numbers. The job entries to which these activity numbers are assigned will be displayed in the table part for the current job.
Task These fields allow you to specify a range of tasks. The job entries to which these tasks are assigned will be displayed in the table part for the current job.
Task Group 1-6 These fields allow you to specify a range of Task Group 1-6 values. The job entries to which these values are assigned will be displayed in the table part for the current job. For further information on work breakdown structure and task groups, see the descriptions under “Job Tasks” and under “Job Budgets.”

Selection Criteria, Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location These fields allow you to specify a range of locations. The job entries to which these locations are assigned will be displayed in the table part for the current job.
Entity These fields allow you to specify a range of entities. The job entries to which these entities are assigned will be displayed in the table part for the current job.
Project These fields allow you to specify a range of projects. The job entries to which these projects are assigned will be displayed in the table part for the current job.
Purpose These fields allow you to specify a range of purposes. The job entries to which these purposes are assigned will be displayed in the table part for the current job.
Spec. 1-3 These fields allow you to specify a range of Specification 1-3 values. The job entries to which these values are assigned will be displayed in the table part for the current job.
Local Spec. 1-3 These fields allow you to specify a range of Local Specification 1-3 values. The job entries to which these values are assigned will be displayed in the table part for the current job.

Job Island

Field Description
Job This field shows the job number and name associated with the current invoice selection.
Fixed Price Job This field shows whether the job on the line is a fixed-price job or a time and material job. If the field is marked, the current job is a fixed-price job.
Job Group This is the job group to which the job is assigned. It is entered in the “Jobs” window and cannot be changed here.
Company This field shows the company number and name to which the current job belongs.
Customer This field shows the number and name of the customer to which the current job belongs.
Bill to Customer This field shows the number and name of the customer to whom the invoice for the current job should be sent.

Up/Down Island

Field Description
To Date These fields show the write-up/-down quantity and billing price of invoicing lines already invoiced. The “Quantity” column shows how many units have already been invoiced for the job. The “Billing Price” column shows how much has been invoiced for the job activity.
Selection These fields show the write-up/down quantity and billing price resulting from invoicing the job entry lines displayed in the table part.

Write-up and write-down are the differences between the registered quantity/amount and the invoiced quantity/amount. Write-ups are shown in positive figures, and write-downs in negative figures.

Total These fields show the total write-up/-down quantity and billing price for the job. The fields calculate the sum of the relevant “To Date” and “Selection” fields.

Write-up and write-down are the differences between the registered quantity/amount and the invoiced quantity/amount. Write-ups are shown in positive figures, and write-downs in negative figures.