Favorites Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Favorites sub-tab.

Field Description
Favorite Name In this field, you can edit the name of the current favorite. When you change the name, it is changed immediately on all unsubmitted time sheet lines using this favorite.
Job No. In this field, you can select a job. When you register time on this favorite, this is the job on which the time registration will be posted.

The field to the right of this field shows the name and the selected job.

Job Name This field shows the name of the job specified in the field “Job No.,” if any.
Task In this field, you can select a task. If a job is selected in the field “Job” above, you can only choose a task from the current job.

The field to the right of this field shows the description of the selected task.

Task Description This field shows the description of the task specified in the field “Task,” if any.
Activity No. In this field, you can select an activity.
Activity Name This field shows the name of the selected activity.
Activity Type This field shows the type of selected activity
Valid From In these fields, you can enter a range of dates between which the current favorite should be valid. For instance, if a certain favorite only applies to a series of seminars taking place during a week in May, you can enter the starting date of that week in the first field, and the ending date in the second field. The favorite will then only appear in time registration windows during the week to which the registrations apply.
Valid To This field is related to the “Valid From” field, above.
Hide If you mark this field, the current favorite will no longer appear in time registration windows.
Created by This field shows the name of the user who created the current favorite. If the name in this field is not your own, it is an indication that the favorite has been distributed to you from the window Job Employees.
Created on This field shows the date when the current favorite was created.
Changed by This field shows the name of the user who made the latest change to the current favorite.
Changed on This field shows the date when the change to the line in question was made.
Version This field shows the version number of the current favorite. The number is incremented by one each time a change is made to the favorite.