Favorites Workspace

Use this workspace to create shortcuts that make it faster to enter data.

For example, if you frequently work on the same job/task/activity combination, you can create a favorite for it, so that you do not need to enter the job number, task number, and activity number over and over on time sheets. Instead, you can use a descriptive name to identify the combination.

You can create your own personal favorites, or someone else can create a favorite and distribute it to others.

You use favorites in connection with time entry— in the SpeedSheet, Time Sheets, and Daily Time Sheets workspaces—and in various portal components, as an easy way to identify an entry combination.

A favorite is a link between a descriptive text (the favorite name) and an entry combination (that is, a combination of job number, task name, activity number, location, and other dimensions). The entry combination of a favorite does not have to be complete.

As an employee, you have a set of favorites that you can maintain in this workspace. The name of a favorite is a unique identification of the favorite for each employee. This means that by selecting a favorite in a time entry workspace, you select an unambiguous entry combination.

You can create your own personal favorites, and favorites can be distributed from a job. For instance, the finance department, your department manager, or project managers can set up jobs and distribute favorites to those users who are expected to enter time on the jobs. This distribution of favorites is performed in the Job Employees workspace.

Rules Governing Favorites

  • All favorites in this workspace are visible to you (and only you) in the time entry workspaces, unless you mark a favorite to be hidden in this workspace.
  • A favorite can be blocked, in which case it is not displayed in the sub-tab or in the time entry workspaces previously mentioned. When a job is closed or blocked for entry, the favorites that have been distributed for the job are also blocked so that they are no longer visible to users.
  • If a job is later reopened or unblocked, Maconomy unblocks the favorites that have been distributed for the job. To resolve name clashes, Maconomy automatically renames a favorite that is unblocked whenever an employee already has a favorite with the same name.
  • A favorite can include a date range that specifies when the favorite can be used. If the date of the intended entry is outside the date range of a favorite, the favorite is not displayed in the time entry workspaces.