Task Staffing Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Task Staffing tab.

Job Budget Line Island

Field Description
Job This field displays the name and number of the job.
Activity This field displays the name and number of the activity specified on the line.
Task This field displays the task specified on the job budget line.
Task Description This field displays a description of the task specified on the job budget line.
Line No. This field displays the line number of the job budget line.
Employee Category No. This field displays the number of the employee category assigned to the job budget line.
Employee Category Name This field displays the name of the employee category assigned to the job budget line.
Description This field displays a description of the job budget line.
Revision No. This field displays the revision number of the job budget line.

Show Island

Field Description
Show Lines When this field is marked, the table part will show the employees who match the criteria set up in the island Employee Criteria, allowing you to book them to the current task.

Customer Island

Field Description
Customer No. This field displays the customer number.
Name This field displays the name of the customer.

Booking Island

Field Description
Employee No. In this field, you can enter the number of the employee to be booked on the current job budget line according to the information in this island when the action “Book” is selected.
No. Hours In this field, you can specify the number of hours during which the employee specified in the field above should be booked on the current job budget line when the action “Book” is selected.
Method In this field, you can select a distribution method to be used when the action “Book” is selected. The functionality of the field corresponds to that of the field “Method” in the window Detailed Planning.
Planning Unit In this field, you can select a planning unit which can be either “Week” or “Day.” The planning unit is used if the distribution method selected in the field “Method” above is either “Fixed Allocation” or “Even Allocation” and determines whether the number of hours booked when the action “Book” is selected should be interpreted as the number of hours to be allocated on each day or within each week. If the booking method is “Even Allocation,” and the planning unit is “Day,” this means that an even number of hours is booked for each day in the relevant range of dates (until the specified number of hours has been booked). If the booking method is “Even Allocation,” and the planning unit is “Week,” an even number of hours is allocated within each week, but the number of hours booked on the individual days within each week is not necessarily evenly allocated, as the hours are applied to the days as if the distribution method “Early Allocation” had been selected. If the distribution method is “Fixed Allocation,” and the planning unit is “Day,” the number of hours specified in the field “Hours for Fixed Allocation” is allocated to each day within the relevant range of dates (until the specified number of hours has been booked), while the planning unit “Week” causes the specified number of hours to be allocated to each week, the number of hours booked on the individual days within each week once again being allocated as if the distribution method “Early Allocation” had been selected.
Within Planned Range If you mark this field, the period within which hours are booked when the action “Book” is selected will be the period from the starting date to the planned ending date of the current job budget line. If you do not mark this field, the period will run from the starting date until the specified number of hours has been booked, regardless of the planned ending date of the budget line. However, in neither case will hours be allocated to dates before the date specified in the field “Never Before” (if any).
Never Before In this field, you can enter a date to be used as the starting date when Maconomy distributes hours as a result of selecting the action “Book,” regardless of whether any starting date on the current job budget line exists. In other words, Maconomy will never distribute hours before the date in this field.
Hours for Fixed Allocation If the distribution method “Fixed Allocation” has been selected, you must specify the number of hours to be repeatedly allocated to each planning unit in this field. See the above description of the distribution method “Fixed Allocation” for further information on the functionality of this field.
Include Days Off If you mark this field, Maconomy will include days off for the allocation of the hours allocated when the action “Book” is selected. Specifying that days off should be considered implies that if all hours specified cannot be distributed on working days, including any allowed overtime registered for the employee in question, Maconomy will attempt to distribute any remainder of hours on days off (nonworking days, for example, weekends). If only part of the hours can be allocated this way, Maconomy will issue an error message. If this field is not marked, days off are considered equal to absence days, on which no hours can be allocated to an employee. Note that this option cannot be selected for the distribution method “Fixed Allocation.”
Unattainable In this field, you can choose how the system should react if the action “Book” is selected, and the requested number of hours cannot be allocated to the employee in question. You can select one of the following options:
  • Cancel Allocation — If you select this option, the requested allocation is automatically cancelled, and Maconomy will issue an error message.
  • Allocate Best Number of Hours— If you select this option, Maconomy will attempt to allocate as many hours as possible in accordance with the specifications entered in this window. The hours which could not be allocated will automatically be cut off, and Maconomy will issue a message informing you how many hours were allocated and how many hours were cut off.

Workload Island

Field Description
Quantity This field shows the number of hours budgeted for the job budget line.
Est. Time to Compl. This field shows the latest estimated number of hours to completion for the current job budget line. If no progress estimate has been made, the field shows the entire budgeted quantity.
Hereof Planned This field shows the number of hours that have already been planned for the job budget line in the window Detailed Planning. If an estimate-to-completion has been specified for the budget line, the field shows the number of hours planned on or after the estimate date.
Remains for Planning This field shows the difference between the values in the fields “Est. Time to Completion” and “Hereof Planned.” This means that if an estimate-to-completion has been specified, this field expresses the number of hours remaining to be planned after the estimate date. However, if more hours than estimated to completion have been planned after the estimate date, the value of the field will be zero, instead of a negative amount. If no estimate-to-completion has been specified for the job budget line, this field expresses the number of hours that remain to be planned for the whole period of the job budget line.
Planned Range These fields show the date range between the planned starting date and the planned ending specified for the job budget line.
Broadest Range These fields show the date range between the first possible starting date and the last possible ending date specified for the job budget line.

Employee Criteria Island

Field Description
Employee No. In these fields, you can enter a range of employee numbers. Only employees with employee numbers within the specified range will be included in the search results.
Primary Category If you mark this field, only employees having the employee category specified on the job budget line as primary category will be included in the search results. If no employee category has been specified on the job budget line, all employees matching the remaining criteria in this island will be included in the search results.
Company No. In these fields, you can enter a range of company numbers. Only employees assigned to companies within the specified range will be included in the search results.
Employee Type In this pop-up field, you can select an employee type. Only employees belonging to the specified type will be included in the search results.
Department In this pop-up field, you can select a department. Only employees assigned to the specified department will be included in the search results.
Min. Hours Available In this field, you can enter a minimum number of hours to specify that the search results should only show employees who are available for at least this number of hours within the time frame specified in the fields “Date Range,” and who match the other selection criteria.
Overtime Acceptance In this field, you can specify to what extent overtime is accepted when Maconomy calculates the hours available for an employee to see if the employee matches the search criteria specified in this island. The option “None” is the default value of the field, but you can select among the following options:
  • None — If you select this strategy, Maconomy will calculate the hours available without taking overtime into account.
  • Moderate — This option means that the hours available are calculated by taking overtime into account. However, overtime is considered only on regular working days, that is, not including weekends and national holidays.
  • High — If you select this option, the hours available are calculated by taking overtime into account. Overtime may be considered for all days, both regular working days and weekends, and so on.

    Note that overtime will never be considered on dates for which an employee has been specified as absent in the employee absence calendar. For further information about effective absence calendar lines, see “Calendar Lines Entering into Effect.”

Overtime Threshold In this field, you can enter a maximum number of overtime hours to be considered when Maconomy calculates the number of hours available for an employee to see if this employee matches the search criteria. If an employee matches the criterion in the field “Min. Hours Available” by taking overtime into consideration, this employee is not considered to match the search criteria if the total amount of overtime exceeds the threshold specified in this field.

If you enter a value of “0” in this field, there will be no limit to the number of overtime hours when Maconomy calculates the number of hours available for an employee. If overtime should be entirely disallowed, the field “Overtime Acceptance” should have the value “None.”

Date Range In these fields, you can enter a date range. The number of available hours and overtime for an employee will be calculated within this date range. Maconomy will automatically suggest the interval between the planned starting date and the planned ending of the job budget line, however with a few exceptions:
  • If no planned starting date or planned ending date has been specified on the job budget line, the first possible ending and last possible ending date are used.
  • If, after this, the first date of the interval is blank, today’s date will be used. If the ending date of the interval is blank, this field will default to one month after the starting date of the interval.
  • If the starting date of the interval is before today’s date, this date will default to today’s date, instead. If both the starting date and ending date of the interval are before today’s date, the ending date will default to one month after today’s date.
Skill Deviation Acceptance In this field, you can specify which strategy to apply when Maconomy considers skill requirements as one of search criteria determining which employees should be shown in the search results. Employees will be considered to match the skill requirements, and thereby be shown, if the employees match the other search criteria specified in this window and match the skill requirements according to the value in this field.

The option “Moderate” is the default value of the field, but you can select among the following options:

  • None — If you select this option, Maconomy will only show employees who meet all of the specified skill requirements when performing searches.
  • Moderate — This option means that Maconomy will show employees who meet all of the specified skill requirements or employees who do not meet the requirements of the type “Preferred” and “Undesired” when performing searches.
  • High — If you select this option, Maconomy will show all employees, disregarding whether or not they meet the specified skill requirements, when performing searches.

By selecting a strategy in this field, you can have Maconomy also include employees who do not meet skill requirements in the search. In this case, an employee possessing only a mandatory skill will be taken into account in the search, and the user will be informed that the skill requirements have not been met.

The following table shows how the requirement type specified for the job budget line and the strategy selected in the search criteria will together affect search results. The different options of this field are shown horizontally, and the various requirement types are shown vertically. “EL” represents the level possessed by an employee for a given skill, and “SR” is the skill requirement of the job budget line. An employee will be included in the search results shown in the table part if the following criteria are met:

None Moderate High
Mandatory EL ≥ SR EL ≥ SR Always shown
Preferred EL ≥ SR Always shown Always shown
Undesired EL < SR Always shown Always shown
Disallowed EL < SR EL < SR Always shown

This can be illustrated by an example: A skill is assigned a level list of the levels 1-5, 5 being the best. A skill requirement is then created for a job budget line with this skill and level 4 being mandatory. If the value of this field is then set to “None,” an employee must have at least level 4 to be included in the search results. If, on the other hand, the value of this field is changed to “High,” the search results will show the employee, regardless of whether or not he meets the skill requirements. For skills which are not assigned a graded level list, “≥” is replaced by “=” and “<“by “¦” in the above table, which means that the employee must have exactly the skill level required by the job budget line to be included in the search results.

Employee Criteria, Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location In these fields, you can enter a range of location numbers. Only employees assigned to locations within the specified range will be included in the search results.
Entity In these fields, you can enter a range of entity numbers. Only employees assigned to entities within the specified range will be included in the search results.
Project In these fields, you can enter a range of projects. Only employees assigned to projects within the specified range will be included in the search results.
Purpose In these fields, you can enter a range of purposes. Only employees assigned to purposes within the specified range will be included in the search results.
Specification 1-3 In these fields, you can enter a range of specifications. Only employees assigned to specifications within the specified range will be included in the search results.
Local Spec. 1-3 In these fields, you can enter a range of local specifications. Only employees assigned to specifications within the specified range will be included in the search results.