Inventory Count Listing Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Inventory Count Listing Tab.

Run Mode Island

Field Description
Layout In this field, you select the layout of the list. You can choose among the layouts “Inventory Count Listing,” “Inventory Count Result” and “Serial No. Count.”

If you select “Inventory Count Listing,” Maconomy prints one line per item with room for you to manually write the physical inventory volume. The items are sorted by stock location and item number.

For items with serial number control, one line for each serial number is printed below the line with the item number. This layout can, for example, be used if the inventory count is to be made by item number. For each item with serial number control you can enter the counted quantity of each item’s serial number in the window Serial No. Count. The serial number quantities can also be registered in the window Inventory Count by Stock Location, but in the window Serial No. Count the serial numbers are shown pr. item number, and are therefore sorted in the same way as on the count listing.

If the layout” Serial No. Count” is selected, only items with serial number control are printed. On the printout, the items are primarily sorted by the location specified for the current serial number and secondly by serial number. This layout can, for example, be used if the inventory count is to be made by serial number, for example, because the serial numbers are used for location control.

In this window, you can enter the counted quantity of each serial number on the count listing. The serial number quantities can also be registered in the window Serial No. Count, but in the window Inventory Count by Stock Location the serial numbers are shown by location as well as by serial number, and are therefore sorted in the same way as on the count listing.

If you select “Inventory Count Result,” Maconomy prints one line per item, stating the item volume recorded in Maconomy, the manual count recorded in the Inventory Count window, variance in quantity and variance in %. The items are sorted by stock location and item number. For items with serial number control, one line for each serial number is furthermore printed below the line with the item number.

If you have marked the field “Generate Listing,” you can only use the layout “Inventory Count Listing.”

Generate Listing Mark this field if you wish to make an inventory count list. Maconomy will subsequently create a list for the inventory and items specified in the island New Inventory Count List.

If you do not mark the field, Maconomy reprints existing lists, as specified in the island Existing Inventory Count Listing. In this case, you cannot enter new information in the island New Inventory Count Listing.

Include unexpected items If you mark this field, and you have selected one or more specific stock locations in the island “New Inventory Count Listing,” Maconomy will print a listing of the items in the specified stock locations first, and then all other items (which are not supposed to be in the specified stock location). This way, it is easy to mark any items found in the specified location which do not belong there. However, the printout may be very long if you have many items.

If you do not mark the field, and you have selected one or more specific stock locations in the island “New Inventory Count Listing,” Maconomy will print a listing of the items in the specified stock locations only.

New Inventory Count Listing Island

Field Description
Remarks Here you must enter a note about the inventory count list you are making. It is printed on the list and shown in the windows Inventory Count, Inventory Count by Stock Location and Approve Count.

You can only enter a note when making a new inventory count list.

Warehouse Here you select which warehouse to make an inventory count list for. The list will only include items in this warehouse. The list will only make an inventory count for this warehouse.
Stock Location Here you can enter a range of stock locations. The list will only include items located within this range, if the field “Include unexpected items” in the island Run Mode is not marked. The stock location must be for the warehouse selected in the “Warehouse” field. The list sorts the items by stock location and item number.

You can only enter a range if you are making a new inventory count list.

Item No. Here you enter a range of item numbers. The list will only show items in the range. The items must be in the warehouse selected in the “Warehouse” field. The list sorts the items by stock location and item number.

You can only enter a range if you are making a new inventory count list.

Item Group Here you can select an item group. The list will only include items in this group.

You can only select an item group if you are making a new inventory count list.

Item Type Here you can select an item type. The list will only include items of this type.
Statistics 1-4 Here you can enter four statistic code ranges. The list will only include items with statistic codes in these ranges.

You can only complete these fields if you are making a new list.

System-filled Serial Number Quantity When you mark this field, Maconomy creates inventory count listings on which the quantities of serial numbers are completed in advance with the quantity currently registered in the system. This way, you only need to enter figures for those items whose serial number stock does not match the one registered in the system. The serial number count lines are displayed in the window Serial No. Count.

Note that if the current inventory count gives rise to counting at more than one location for just one of the serial numbers included in the count listing, Maconomy creates a main listing containing one line per item. On these lines, the field “Location” will be blank indicating that one or more items can be counted at more than one location. In order to have the window Serial No. Count display the system-filled quantities for each serial number, you must create a sublisting on which the field “Location” is automatically filled in for each item’s location. In this way, you can now inspect and edit the system-filled figures in the window Serial No. Count or you can enter the number of serial numbers counted on the sublisting in question. The figures entered are automatically consolidated on the main listing.

If inventory count is only to be made at one location for each item’s serial numbers, Maconomy creates a main listing containing one line per item and a specification of the expected location in the field “Location” on each line. In such situations, you do not have to create a sublisting to see and edit the system-filled serial number quantities in the window Serial No. Count.

Complete Serial Number Count If you mark this field, Maconomy creates a count line for each serial number registered in the system. This means that when performing inventory counts for the relevant items, the individual serial numbers at each location and their quantities must be counted. If you have marked this field, entering the total number of units of the items found at each location does thus not suffice, as you must also specify the quantity of each serial number. Serial number quantities are specified in the window Serial No. Count.

A list created with a mark in this field can only be approved if the number of serial numbers counted on a certain location is identical to the inventory count made on the same location. Note that if you mark this field, you cannot enter a range of locations in the fields “Location” in this island.

Existing Inventory Count Listing Island

Field Description
List No. In these fields, you can specify a range of inventory count listing numbers if you want to reprint existing inventory count listings or new inventory count sublistings. New inventory count listings are numbered according to the serial number series “Inventory Count Listing” in the window System Numbers in the Set-Up module.
Minimum Variance, % Here you enter a percentage and an amount limit, so that the list will only show items with a variance of at least this size. The percentage variance regards quantity. The amount variance shows the quantity variance expressed in cost per item number.

The inventory count listing only makes a calculation based on the information in this field if you have selected the “Inventory Count Result” layout. An item must meet both the percentage and the amount condition.

Minimum Variance, Currency Here you enter a percentage and an amount limit, so that the list will only show items with a variance of at least this size. The percentage variance regards quantity. The amount variance shows the quantity variance expressed in cost per item number.

The inventory count listing only makes a calculation based on the information in this field if you have selected the “Inventory Count Result” layout. An item must meet both the percentage and the amount conditions.

Include Approved You can mark this field if you wish to also reprint approved inventory count lists. You can only mark the field when you are reprinting. If you do not mark it, Maconomy will only print existing inventory count lists which have not yet been approved in the Approve Count window.

Once an inventory count list has been deleted before or after approval, you cannot reprint it.

Do not Include Sublistings In this field, you can mark whether to include any sublistings on the printout of a range of existing lists. If you do not mark the field, the printout will include the sublistings assigned to each of the inventory count main listings printed.