Job Price Information Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Price Information tab.

Job Island

Field Description
Job This field shows the number and name of the current job.
Job Group This field shows the job group to which the current job is assigned.
Time Unit Use this field to specify the default time unit for prices on time activities. You must fill in this field in both the tab and sub-tab. When you create a line in the sub-tab, the field is auto-populated with the default value from this field. Price calculation relies on the time unit specified on the line.
Template This field shows whether the job is a template job or a normal job. If the job is a template job, a number of the fields which are mandatory on a normal job will not be mandatory on the template job. This means that you can fill in only those fields you wish to be transferred to new jobs created on the basis of the template job. However, you should note that if you want to enter prices in the table part of this window on a template job, you must first specify a currency in the “Currency” field in the Price island.

Price Island

Field Description
Currency In this field, you can choose the currency of the job. Maconomy automatically suggests the value normally applied to the customer, retrieving it from the Customer Information Card workspace. You cannot change the currency if you have made entries on the job. If you change the currency, any budget figures for the job are recalculated to match the selected currency. The same applies to prices in job specific price lists in this workspace.
Job Price List, Cost In this field, you can select a job price list to be used for calculating cost prices. The suggested value in the field is transferred from the delivery customer’s information card. If you want to use a job price list that is different from the one suggested, you can change the value here. For more information about job price lists, see the Job Price Lists workspace and “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost Module.” This field also shows the description of the specified job price list. The description derives from the Job Price Lists workspace.
Job Price List, Intercomp. In this field, you can select a job price list to be used for calculating intercompany prices. The functionality of this field is similar to that of the “Job Price List, Cost” field This field also shows the description of the specified job price list. The description derives from the Job Price Lists workspace.
Job Price List, Sales In this field, you can choose a job price list to be used for calculating the prices of the activities used for the job. If you have selected the “Check Price List Currency” system parameter in the System Parameters workspace in the Set-Up module, Maconomy issues a warning if you choose a price list in a currency different from the base currency of the job. The current exchange rate table for sales is applied for the conversion of currencies. The functionality of this field is similar to that of the “Job Price List, Cost” field. This field also shows the description of the specified job price list. The description derives from the Job Price Lists workspace.
Job Price List, Standard Sales In this field, you can choose a job price list to be used for calculating the standard billing prices of the activities used for the job. The functionality of this field is similar to that of the “Job Price List, Sales” field. This field also shows the description of the specified job price list. The description derives from the Job Price Lists workspace.
Item Price List, Intercomp. In this field, you can select an intercompany price list to be used in the pricing of work carried out on the job by employees assigned to other companies. This means that if the company specified in the “Executing Company” field in the Job Journal workspace is different from the one responsible for the job journal, the intercompany price list is used to determine the price of the work performed. The price lists from which you can choose are of the type “Sales Price List,” and they are created and maintained in the Price Lists workspace in the Inventory module.

If you have selected the “Check Price List Currency” system parameter in the System Parameters workspace in the Set-Up module, Maconomy issues a warning if you choose a price list in a currency different from the base currency of the job. In this case, Maconomy converts the prices on the price list to the base currency of the job according to the current exchange rate table for sales.

Price Step In this field, you can enter a price step from 1 to 6, which means that the prices suggested for the items used for the job are from a fixed-price step in the selected price list, as defined in the Quantity Discounts workspace in the Inventory module. This field is only functional if you select a value in the “Item Price List, Intercomp” field.

Note that if you specify a price step, Maconomy uses this price step, regardless of whether the quantity entered on a job budget line or job entry would normally justify a lower price because of a quantity discount.

Item Price List, Sales In this field, you can select a price list to be used in the pricing of items used in connection with the current job. The item numbers for these items are entered into the “Item No.” field in the Employees or Activities workspace, if the company uses central control of the hourly price per employee or per activity.

Maconomy automatically transfers the value from the Order island on the customer’s information card, but you may choose to select a different price list to be used for the current job. You can, however, only choose an existing sales price list, that is, price lists of the type sales price list that have been created in the Price Lists workspace in the Inventory module. You can also select the value “Blank” in this pop-up field, meaning that the suggested prices are calculated based on the current cost prices and markup percentages.

If you have selected the “Check Price List Currency” system parameter in the System Parameters workspace in the Set-Up module, Maconomy issues a warning if you choose a price list in a currency different from the base currency of the job. In this case, Maconomy converts the prices on the price list to the base currency of the job according to the current exchange rate table for sales.

Price Step The functionality of this field is similar to that of the “Price Step” field. However, in this field, Maconomy automatically transfers the value from the field “Price Step” on the Customer Information Card in the Accounts Receivable module.
Fixed Mark-up (Amts.) You can mark this field if you want to calculate billing prices based on a fixed markup percentage for all sales prices when calculating the gross margin of the current job. A billing price is calculated when you register entries and make budgets. You can always change the billing price calculated by Maconomy during budgeting or before invoicing a job.

If this field is selected, the billing price of all invoiceable amount activities is calculated from the current cost of the amount activity and the percentage rate in the “Markup %” field. If this field is not selected, the price and GM information are applied to the individual activities. However, Maconomy always checks whether a sales price or a gross margin percentage can be derived from an assigned sales price list, and if it can, this is used. The principles of price calculation are described in detail in “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost Module.”

Markup % In this field, you can enter the markup percentage to be used when calculating the billing price of all amount activities related to the job. The billing price calculation is performed for all invoiceable amount activities using the current cost of the amount activity and the percentage rate in this field. You must also select the “Fixed Markup (Amts.)” field. However, Maconomy always checks whether a sales price or a gross margin percentage can be derived from an assigned sales price list, and if it can, this is used. The principles of price calculation are described in detail in “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost Module.”

If a markup percentage has been entered in the delivery customer’s information card, the markup percentage is transferred to this field when a job is created in the Jobs workspace.

The billing price is calculated when you make job entries and budgets. You can always change the billing price during budgeting or before the job is invoiced.

Invoice Discount % In this field, you can enter an invoice discount percentage. Maconomy suggests the value normally given to the customer, retrieving the figure from the Customer Information Card. You can change the suggested value if you have agreed on another rate.

The invoice discount is automatically deducted from the item total on any invoices you create for the job. Invoice discounts, however, are not deducted from invoices on account.

Invoice discount cannot be granted on fixed-price jobs. If the “Invoicing Method” job parameter type for the current job specifies that the job is a fixed-price job, this field must be zero.

If the current job is set up for split billing (that is, there are more than one bill-to customer on the job), you cannot change the invoice discount percentage in this workspace. However, you can do this in the Bill to Customer Distribution workspace. For more information, see the description of the Bill to Customer Distribution workspace.

Job Surcharge Rule In this field, you can enter the name of a job surcharge rule to be used for the current job. Maconomy automatically suggests the value from the Customer Information Card workspace in the Accounts Receivable module, but you can select another one here or in the Job Budgets workspace. Job surcharge rules are created in the Job Surcharge Rules workspace.

Note that the selected surcharge rule may contain references to tasks. This can cause the creation of surcharges for tasks that are not available in the tasks assigned to the current job. If this happens, the Job Budgets workspace displays an error message if you use the “Calculate Job Surcharge” action. The error message is also displayed when you attempt to post entries.

Quote Price, Currency If a quote price has been agreed upon in cooperation with the customer and it has been specified for the current job in the Jobs workspace, the price is shown in this field. You can correct the quote price here. For a more detailed description of this field, see the description of the Jobs workspace.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Act. No. In these fields, you can limit the number of price list lines shown in the sub-tab by specifying a range of activity numbers. The sub-tab only shows the price list lines that have an activity within the selection criteria, or if the activity number is blank. If you do not enter a range of activity numbers, the activity on the line has no influence on whether the line is shown in the sub-tab.
Price Group, Act. The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the “Activity No.” field.
Activity Type The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the “Activity No.” field.
Employee No. The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the “Activity No.” field.
Empl. Category The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the “Activity No.” field.
Employee Type The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the “Activity No.” field. If a job budget line in the Job Budgets workspace is assigned to an employee category but not an employee, Maconomy compares the employee type specified as a membership criterion on the employee category with the value in this field. The line is only used if either the employee type of the category is blank, if this field is blank, or if the two fields have the same value.
Price Group, Empl. The functionality of this field relates to employees in job price groups and is similar to that of the “Activity No.” field. If a job budget line in the Job Budgets workspace is assigned to an employee category but not an employee, Maconomy compares the job price group specified on the employee category with the value “Price Group, Empl.” in this workspace when calculating the price on the basis of a job-specific price list.
Task The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the “Activity No.” field.
Price Group, Task The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the “Activity No.” field.
Overtime Spec. The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the “Activity No.” field.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field shows the number of the company responsible for the current job. The value cannot be changed here. For more information, see the description of the “Company No.” field in the Jobs workspace. This field also shows the name of the specified company.
Base Currency This field displays the currency used as base currency in the company specified in the “Company No.” field. See the “Base Currency” field in the Company Information workspace in the G/L module for a detailed description of company base currency and enterprise currency.

Selection Criteria, Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the “Activity No.” field.
Entity The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the “Activity No.” field.
Project The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the “Activity No.” field.
Purpose The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the “Activity No.” field.
Specification 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the “Activity No.” field.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the “Activity No.” field.