Job Price Information Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to gather all of the information about how prices and currency information are determined for a job.

This workspace also enables you to create a job price list that is specific for the current job. You also use this workspace to select a date to freeze exchange rates for the job, as well as select an exchange rate table.

The Price island displays pricing information for the current job, including job price lists assigned to the job, if any. You can also specify a separate job price list that contains cost, intercompany price, and sales price. Use this if you want to derive a cost price based on a combination of employee and activity, but a sales price based on a different combination, such as the dimensions Location and Specification 1. Or, you can specify the same job price list for all three price types.


Different currencies might be used in a job process. For example, you use one currency, and your customer uses another. If so, you can use a fixed exchange rate by selecting a date to freeze the exchange rates.

At times, the customer's native currency and your job currency may evolve differently. This may make it more expensive than exchange rates at budgeting time suggested to purchase the external services to deliver to the customer, while the value of the customer's currency has deteriorated compared to your company's currency. When you settle and close the job, the profitability calculations might thus show a lower gross ratio than expected.

Since exchange rates are beyond the control of the budget holder, you can limit their influence over job profitability by choosing to use fixed exchange rates. After you fix the job's exchange rates, then invoices on account sent to the customer remain stable. Thus you take the exchange rate fluctuation risks as real exchange of the sums received that may deviate from the job budget.

In the Set-Up module, System Parameters workspace, select the Fixed exchange rates in budgets only system parameter to limit the use of fixed exchange rates on the job budget.

If you select this parameter, Maconomy converts all of the currency transactions that you enter on the job, from budget to posting, according to the exchange rate that is in effect on that date. For more information, see the description of the Fixed exchange rates in budgets only system parameter.
Note: The fixed exchange rate does not influence prices in the Job Cost module that are calculated by item price lists.
In the Job Price List Lines sub-tab, you can create a job-specific price list. Instead of creating many job price lists with minor differences, such as price variations, you can use a few general job price lists and then add exceptions to these price lists in a job-specific price list. The job-specific price list has a higher priority than the general price lists.
Note: If you set the job up to control prices from the budget, maintain the lines in the Job Price List Lines sub-tab in this workspace from the Job Budgets workspace. You cannot edit them in this workspace.