
This section shows the Actions available in the Job Price Lists workspace.

Top Tab

Field Description
New Issue When you use this action, an issue of the current price list is created. All lines and fields from the previous issue are copied to the new issue. However, any lines that cannot be transferred are skipped when creating the issue. Price list lines that pertain to employees who have been blocked since the last edition was created are thus not included in the new edition.

You can only use this action if you have entered a starting date for the new issue in the Start Date field. See the description of that for more information about job price list issues.

Mark Lines When you use this action, all lines displayed in the sub-tab are marked; that is, Maconomy selects the Marked field on each line. Having specified a line as “Marked,” you can adjust or delete it. See the description of the Marked field in the sub-tab of this workspace for information about the functionality of this field. If you want to unmark one or more lines, manually remove the mark in the Marked field.
Unmark Lines When you use this action, all lines with a mark in the Marked field are unmarked. The functionality of this action is useful if you have, for example, copied lines from a job price list on which all lines were marked. If you do not want to have all these lines marked on the new job price list, the lines can easily be unmarked by using this action.
Adjust Marked Use this action to apply any non-zero value specified in the fields under the Adjust Overtime Cost island to selected lines in the sub-tab.

If you have specified new prices as amounts rather than percentage adjustments, this action displays an error if the marked lines include lines with different time units (following the logic that the time unit is taken from the tab if it is blank on a line in the sub-tab).

This applies only if you have specified an overtime specification in the Overtime Spec. field.

Delete Marked When you use this action, all lines with a mark in the Marked field are deleted.
Copy job price list When you use this action, the lines from the job price list specified in the Copy Job Price List island in the tab of this workspace are copied to the current job price list. To avoid duplicate lines, Maconomy only copies those lines that are different from already existing lines on the source price list. If the job price list to which new lines are copied is assigned another currency than the currency used on the source price list, Maconomy automatically converts the copied amounts into the currency used on the target price list by using the current day’s exchange rate.