Remove Purchase Orders Workspace

Use this workspace to remove purchase orders that have been closed before a given date.

This process removes all of the information about the purchase orders from the Maconomy database and affects the Item Purchase and Job Cost modules. You cannot remove a purchase order if it has outstanding lines that were created in the Job Budgets workspace.

Before you remove purchase orders, print copies of the purchase orders and make a backup copy of your database.

Maconomy prints out a list of the removed purchase orders.

When you remove a purchase order, all of the information about that purchase order disappears from Maconomy. You cannot view it in any workspaces or on any printouts. Before you remove the purchase orders, Maconomy reminds you that you should first print them for auditing purposes.

Even if a purchase order is closed, Maconomy does not remove it if it has lines that were created in the Job Budgets workspace, and the job (job budget line) is still in the system when you try to remove the purchase order.