Invoice Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Invoice tab.

Billing Address Island

Field Description
Bill to Customer This field shows the name and number of the customer who received the invoice.
Attn. This field shows the customer contact.
Country This field shows the customer country.

Price Island

Field Description
Currency This is the currency of the invoice. The currency is retrieved from the invoice in the window Invoices or the sales order in the window Sales Orders.
Exchange Rate Date This field shows the exchange rate date for the calculation of prices on the invoice. If no exchange rate date was specified on the sales order on which the invoice is based, or if the invoice was created in the window Invoices, this field is blank.
Sales This is the sum of the prices in the item lines of the invoice. All line and quantity discounts have been deducted.
Invoice Discount % This is the percentage rate used to calculated the invoice discount on the invoice. The percentage rate is retrieved from the invoice in the window Invoices or on the sales order in the window Sales Orders.
Invoice Discount This is the calculated invoice discount amount deducted from the invoice. The discount is retrieved from the invoice in the window Invoices or the sales order in the window Sales Orders.
Tax on Sales This is the tax calculated by Maconomy. The amount is automatically added to the invoice.
Items on Account This field shows how much of the item sum of the sales order was invoiced on account before this invoice was created. It is deducted from the item sum on the invoice. If the invoice is an on account invoice, the value is “0.00.” The field is only used by Maconomy Trade.
Tax on Account This field shows the tax amount added to any on account invoices before this invoice was created. The amount is deducted from the total tax amount on the invoice. If the invoice is an on account invoice, the value is “0.00.” The field is only used by Maconomy Trade.
Balance Due This is the total amount due from the bill-to customer. The amount is calculated from the sales amount, less any invoice discount, plus charges and tax.
Std. Currency This is the bill-to customer’s standard currency. The currency is retrieved from the Customer Information Card.
Total In Standard This field the “Total Amount Due” converted into the standard currency of the bill-to customer.

Extra Fields Island

Field Description
Popup 1-5 In each of these fields, you can specify a customer pop-up value. The printout will only include customers for which the values in the fields “Popup 1-5” in the window Customer Information Card correspond to the values specified here. However, if you leave a given pop-up field blank, customers with any value in the field in question are included.

Credit Card Island

Field Description
Credit Card No. If the displayed invoice was created on the basis of a sales order to be paid by credit card, this field shows the number of the credit card which will be used for payment of the current invoice. The value is retrieved from the field “Credit Card No.” on the current sales order.
Expiry Date If the displayed invoice was created on the basis of a sales order to be paid by credit card, this field shows the expiry date entered for the credit card specified in the field “Credit Card No.” above. The value in this field is retrieved from the field “Expiry Date” on the current sales order.
Amount Authorized If the displayed invoice was created on the basis of a sales order to be paid by credit card, this field shows the amount which the credit card issuer has accepted to pay for the current sales order. The value in this field is retrieved from the field “Amount Authorized” on the current sales order.
Authorization Code If the displayed invoice was created on the basis of a sales order to be paid by credit card, this field shows the authorization code which the credit card issuer has specified in connection with the payment of the amount in the field “Amount Authorized” above. The value in this field is retrieved from the field “Authorization Code” on the current sales order.
Authorization Date If the displayed invoice was created on the basis of a sales order to be paid by credit card, this field shows the date on which the credit card issuer authorized payment of the amount in the field “Amount Authorized” above. The value in this field is retrieved from the field “Authorization Date” on the current sales order.

E-Invoicing Island

If e-invoicing is enabled on your Maconomy system, the background tasks created as part of that workflow run the actions that fill out the fields under this island.

Field Description
Invoice File Name This field displays the name of the invoice PDF file stored in the document archive. Maconomy automatically fills out this field after the "Attach Original To Archive" background task runs the Attach Original to Document Archive action.
Peppol Mapping Name This field displays the name of the mapping that Maconomy will use when the "Create Peppol File" background task runs the Create Peppol File action. The field value is dependent on current setup.
Peppol File Name

This field displays the file name of the generated Peppol xml file.

Maconomy automatically fills out this field after the "Create Peppol File" background task runs the Create Peppol File action.

Date Sent to Pagero This field displays the date Maconomy sent the generated Peppol xml file to the Pagero account specified for e-invoicing.

Maconomy automatically fills out this field after the "Send to Pagero" background task runs the Send to Pagero action.

Time Sent to Pagero This field displays the time Maconomy sent the generated Peppol xml file to the Pagero account specified for e-invoicing.

Maconomy automatically fills out this field after the "Send to Pagero" background task runs the Send to Pagero action.

Remarks Island

Field Description
Remarks Here you can enter comments about the invoice. Your comments can only be edited and seen in this window.

Ship to Address Island

Field Description
Customer This is the name and number of the customer to whom the items were delivered. It is retrieved from the invoice in the window Invoices or the sales order in the window Sales Orders.

The other lines in this field show the ship-to customer’s name and address. The text is retrieved from the invoice in the window Invoices or from the sales order in the window Sales Orders.

Attn. This is the ship-to customer’s attention person - the person to whom shipping information is directed. The name is retrieved from the invoice in the window Invoices or from the sales order in the window Sales Orders.
Country This is the customer’s country code. It is retrieved from the relevant invoice in the window Invoices or sales order in the window Sales Orders.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This field shows the number of the company responsible for the current invoice. The number is transferred from the island Company on the invoice or the sales order on which the invoice is based.

Invoice Island

Field Description
Invoice No. This is the number of the invoice. If you cannot remember the number of an invoice, you can use the search functions in the Find menu. You determine how invoice numbers are allocated in the window Numbers in the Set-Up module.
Printed This field shows whether the invoice has been printed or not. If you wish to reprint it, select “Print...” in the File menu. If you remove the mark here first, the invoice will be treated as if it has not been printed. Alternatively, you can mark that you wish to reprint invoices, which means that the invoice in the window will be included although the mark is not removed. When you reprint the invoice, Maconomy does not invoice the amount again. The printout is merely registered as a copy of the original invoice.
Order No. This is the number of the sales order in the window Sales Orders which generated the invoice. If it is a blanket invoice, the field will show the lowest sales order number in the invoice. If the invoice was created in the window Invoices, the value is “0.”
Packing Slip No. This is the number of the packing slip for the invoice. If you have made more than one packing slip, the field shows the last one.
Version This is the version number of the sales order which generated the invoice. The value cannot be changed here.
Invoice Date This is the invoice date.
Due Date This is the due date which is assigned to the invoice shown. The due date is automatically calculated from the invoice date and the customer’s payment terms. If the field “Due Date from Printing Date” in the window System Information has been marked, the due date will be calculated from the printing date.
Printed by Here, the name of the employee, who printed the invoice, is shown. The value does not change at reprinting.
Printing Date Here, the date of invoice printing is shown. The value does not change at reprinting.

Status Island

Field Description
Payment Status This field displays the payment status for invoices, pre-invoices, and credit memos. It shows one of the following statuses:
  • Due - The invoice or pre-invoice is partially paid, and the current date is past the invoice's or pre-invoice's due date.
  • Not Due - A partial payment has been made for this invoice or pre-invoice, and the due date is not yet passed.
  • N/A - No payments have been made for the pre-invoice, or the pre-invoice is no longer needed and is cancelled. This status is applicable to pre-invoices only.
  • Paid - The amount due for this invoice is fully paid. An invoice that is credited also has a Paid status.
Remainder, Standard This field displays the amount which remains to be reconciled in the customer's standard currency.
Remainder, Invoice Currency This field displays the amount which remains to be reconciled in the currency of the invoice.
Remainder, Base This field displays the amount which remains to be reconciled on the current entry in base currency. When this balance is zero, the entry is fully reconciled.

Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location This field shows the value of the dimension Location on the current customer entry. If the entry is caused by an invoice or a credit memo, the value is transferred from the field “Location” in the card part of the current invoice or credit memo. If the customer entry is caused by a general journal, the value is transferred from the field “Location” on the general journal line containing the customer entry. If the customer entry is caused by an interest or reminder selection, the value is transferred from the field “Location” on the information card of the current customer.
Entity The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.

Customer Information Island

Field Description
Department This is the department assigned to the invoice in the window Invoices or the sales order in the window Sales Orders.
Warehouse This is the warehouse from which the invoiced items were delivered. The information is retrieved from the invoice in the window Invoices or the sales order in the window Sales Orders.
Reference This field shows the note entered in the field “Reference” in the invoice in the window Invoices or the sales order in the window Sales Orders.
Tax No. This is the customer’s tax number. It is retrieved from the relevant invoice in the window Invoices or sales order in the window Sales Orders.

Sales Orders Island

Field Description
Main Order No. If the invoice has been created from a sales order which is linked to a main order, the number of the main order is displayed in this field. If the invoice is created from the main order itself, the number of the current main order is displayed.