Print A/P Aging Report Workspace

Use this workspace to print an aging report for one or more vendors.

You can use the aging report to estimate your company's liquidity up to four months into the future. Aging is based on either the due date of the entries or the entry date of the entries. The report displays the balance due on the day that the report is generated, divided into a number of periods from a given start date.

In this workspace, you can specify whether you want to print the aging report based on the due date of the entries or the entry date of the entries. If you select to print based on entry date, the current entries are regarded as being due on the entry date. If, on the contrary, you select to print based on due date, the current entries are still regarded as being due on the due date that is specified on the current entries. The report always displays the balance due on the date that you create the report. Maconomy divides the balance into a number of periods from a given start date. These periods are defined by your selection criteria. The report displays the vendor's standard currency and whether payment to the vendor has been stopped. The printout information is grouped according to company, and the collective total is displayed in the currency that you selected in the Currency island.

You can include vendors who have a negative balance. The amount limit that you specify applies to the debit balances on the date of the report.