Raw Materials Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Raw Materials Sub-Tab.

Field Description
Item No. This field shows the number of the raw material for the production of the finished item. The raw material is usually a BOM part at level 1, and the finished item is the BOM header. The raw material is removed from the warehouse in the “Warehouse” field on the line in the quantity given in the “Usage” field.

When you enter a new raw materials line, you must enter the number of the raw material here. You can use the search functions in the Find menu to find the right item. The raw material must be in the “Raw Materials” warehouse given in the BOM Production window or in the “Warehouse” given in the Raw Materials island in the Production Selections window. The raw materials warehouse is also shown in the “Warehouse” field on all existing raw material lines.

If the “Reserved” field is marked, Maconomy will reserve the new raw material in the quantity given in the “Total” field. If not all the raw materials are available, Maconomy will alert you.

Total This field shows the number of units of the raw material will be used in the production of the finished item in the card part. The quantity is found by multiplying the number of finished items in the “Quantity” field in the card part by the number of raw materials per finished item, which is given in the “No. per Finished Item” field and in the “Quantity” field in the table part of the BOM Information Card window.

You can change the quantity until the production has been approved. The selection value in the “Usage” field will also be changed. If you have not yet reserved raw materials, the reservation will only cover the quantity given here.

When you enter a new raw material line, you must enter a quantity here. If the “Reserved” field is marked, Maconomy will reserve the new raw material in the quantity given here. Maconomy alerts you if the raw materials are not all available.

Sales Orders This shows how many raw materials are put on order (and thereby reserved) when raw materials were reserved for the production. If you have selected the “By Picking” back order method in the System Information window, the quantity here will after the reservation always be the same as the “Total” field.

If you use the “By Reservation” back order method, the quantity here will be the available quantity at the time of the reservation. However, it will never exceed the quantity in the field “Total.” The quantity here tells you how many of the raw material are available for production.

Balance This field shows how much of the raw material was put on back order at the time of the reservation. If you use the “By Picking” back order method, the quantity here will always be 0.

If you use the “By Reservation” back order method, the quantity will be the same as the quantity unavailable at the time the items were reserved. The quantity therefore shows how much of the raw material should be added to the warehouse before the production can be completed.

Usage Here you can enter how much of the raw material was actually used in the production of the finished item in the card part.

Maconomy suggests the quantity in the production recipe in the “Total” field.

When the production is approved in the BOM Production window, Maconomy removes the quantity of the raw material given here.

Note that when you approve a production transaction, the production is completed and the quantity here has therefore been used.

Description This is the text for the raw material, retrieved from the “Description Lang. 1” field in the item information card. It cannot be changed here.
No. per Finished Item This is the quantity of raw materials used for one unit of the finished item. It is found by dividing the value in the “Quantity” field in the card part by the value in the “Total” field on the raw material line.
Extra Text Here you can enter an extra text to describe the raw material.

Maconomy suggests the text from the “Extra Text” in the BOM Information Card.

Cost This is the cost per pricing unit of the raw material. Cost principle is retrieved from the card part of the item information card, while cost is retrieved from the raw material warehouse in the table part of the item information card. The cost is used to calculate the total cost of the production. Maconomy retrieves the cost from the item information card at the time the production is approved.

When a reverse production transaction is created in the window BOM Production, the cost on each line in this window is calculated from the cost of the finished item in the finished goods warehouse, using the price ratios specified on the BOM.

Pricing Unit This is the pricing unit, that is, the quantity included in the unit price.

This applies to sales prices, costs, weight and volume.

Price Ratio % On reverse production transactions, this field shows the current raw material item’s price ratio percentage from the BOM of the finished item. However, the value can be changed. The price ratio percentage is used for calculating the cost of the items obtained as a result of the reverse production. If the field “Cost from Raw Materials” has been marked in the window BOM Production, the cost of the finished item is allocated onto the raw materials, based on the price ratios specified in this field.
Bill of Materials This field is marked if the raw material is a BOM.
Inventory Control This field is marked if the raw material has inventory control. If it does, Maconomy removes the quantity of the raw material in the “Usage” field from the inventory when the production is approved. The value of the raw materials inventory is decreased by the cost of the raw material line.

If the item does not have inventory control, the total cost of the raw material line will be included in the total cost of the production, while the value of the raw material inventory is not reduced.

Warehouse This is the raw material warehouse. When the production is approved, the raw materials are removed from this warehouse if they have inventory control.

The raw material warehouse was selected in the “Raw Materials” warehouse when the production transaction was created in the BOM Production window or in the “Warehouse” field in the Raw Materials island in the Production Selection window.

Stock Location No. In this field, you can specify the location in the selected warehouse from which the raw materials should be taken.

If this field is left blank, the raw material location number specified in the card part of the window BOM Production will apply to the line. When the BOM production is approved, the stock of the raw material items is decreased for this location by the relevant quantities. In the case of reverse production, the disassembled parts are added to the stock of this location in the relevant quantities.

Delivery Date This shows the delivery date of the raw material. If you have selected the back order method “By Picking,” Maconomy will calculate a delivery date here, if the raw material is not available at the time of reservation and if the raw material has a delivery time in its item information card. The date here is then the delivery time added to the date on which the raw materials are reserved.
Number to End Report In this field, you can enter the number of units of the current item to be added to the stock of the raw materials warehouse as a result of the disassembly of the finished item shown in the card part of the window. The items are not end reported until the action “Approve Production” is selected in the window BOM Production.
Number End Reported This field shows the number of units of the current item which has so far been end reported by selecting the action “Approve Production” in the window BOM Production.
Number Used Hitherto This field shows how many of the finished items on the transaction you have so far disassembled. This field can only be used for reverse production transactions. The value in this field does not necessarily correspond to the number of finished items that would theoretically be needed to obtain the quantity of raw materials registered in the table part, as some parts of the finished item may not be in working order after the disassembly, resulting in fewer raw materials. The actual quantity of raw materials gained is registered in the window Production Reports.