Inventory Count Listings Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Inventory Count Listings Sub-Tab.

Field Description
List No. This is the number of the inventory count list on the line. Inventory count lists are automatically given a number from the “Inventory Count” number series in the Numbers window. You cannot change it.
Remarks This shows the note entered for the list in the Inventory Count Listing when the list was created. It cannot be changed here.
Warehouse This field shows which warehouse the inventory list is for. The list will only include items in this warehouse.

The warehouse was chosen in the Inventory Count Listing window and it cannot be changed here.

Cost Var. This shows the total cost of the volume variances in the list. The costs are found from the cost at the warehouse in question and the costing method of the individual items. These data are in the item information card.

When the inventory count list is approved with the action “Approve,” Maconomy creates an item journal, which is ready to be posted in the G/L module. The entry text is retrieved from the “Item Inventory Count” entry type in the window Posting Descriptions in the G/L module. If the amount is positive, the inventory value account will be debited, and the inventory count account credited. If the amount is negative, the inventory value account will be credited, and the inventory count account debited.

The inventory value account is specified by means of a dimension combination in the field “Inventory Value” in the window Warehouse Information Card and the inventory count account is specified by means of a dimension combination in the field “Inventory Count” in the island Manual Inventory Value Changes in the window Warehouse Information Card.

Variances This field shows how many item numbers there are variances for in the list.

If you wish to see how great the variances are, print the “Inventory Count Result” in the Inventory Count Listing window.

Approve You can mark this field if you wish to approve the list when you select “Approve” in the Action menu. When approving a list, Maconomy will create an item transaction for all items on the inventory count listing with the inventory adjustments and an item journal in the G/L module, which is ready to be posted.

If the field is not marked, the list is not approved when you select “Approve” in the Action menu.

Once an inventory count list has been approved, it will no longer be shown in this window. However, you can still see it in the Inventory Count window and reprint it in the Inventory Count Listing window.

Delete You can mark this field if you wish to delete the list when you approve it. If the field is marked, the list will deleted next time you select “Approve” in the Action menu.

You can only mark this field if the “Approve” field is also marked.

If the field is not marked, the list is not deleted when you select “Approve” in the Action menu. If the list is approved, you can no longer see it in this window’s table. However, you can see it in the Inventory Count window or reprint it in the Inventory Count Listing window.

Entry Date In this field, you can enter a posting date to be used on the G/L entries made when the counting is posted. Thus, the actual date of stock taking can be maintained, regardless of when the counting list was printed and when the actual figures were entered into the window Inventory Count. If the field is not completed, Maconomy uses today’s date. The field can only be completed if the field “Allow Back Dating” has been marked in the window System Information in the Set-Up module.