Job Posting Reference Lines Subtab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Posting Reference Lines subtab.

The fields in the table part are the same as the fields in the table part of the Activities windows.

Field Description
Line No. This field shows which specific journal line generated the job revenue journal line.
Department This field shows the name of a department created in the Posting References window in the G/L module.

The table part of this window is used for designating various posting references by department for the relevant activity. These posting references are only used if sales and cost of sales are posted by activity. You select this in the field “Post by Activity” in the System Information window in the Set-Up module.

When creating a time or amount activity, Maconomy automatically creates a line in the table part for each department. For summary activities, the table part is empty. If you later create more departments, you must manually create lines in the table part corresponding to these. The departments are shown as pop-up values when you create lines.

It is the selection of a department on a job that determines the set of posting references to be used in connection with the relevant activities.

If the “Department form Employee” field in the System Information window is marked, Maconomy will use the posting reference “Offset” of the employee’s department (instead of the job’s department) when making entries to time activities.

Job Group You can select a job group that will be a target group for the line.
Employee Type You can select an employee type that will be a target group for the line.
Item Group You can select an item group that will be a target group for the line.
Transaction Type Group No. You can specify a transaction type group number that will be a target group for the line.
Accrual You can select whether this line is used for accrued registrations, non-accrued registrations, or all registrations.
Job Invoice Allocation You can specify whether the line is to be used for “normal” invoices, job invoice allocations, or both.
Offset Account In this field, enter the number of a dimension combination that contains the G/L account to be used as an offset in posting job journals where the given activity is used together with the relevant department. The dimension combination can also contain references to other dimension values to be used in this connection.

For the sake of clarity, the following description of the posting of the activity’s prices uses the term “account.” Rather than accounts, posting references are actually used, where an account number and any other dimension values are found by means of a dimension combination.

When posting job entries for capitalized jobs, the activity’s cost is credited to the account referred to in the dimension combination specified here. If you have chosen to capitalize “At Cost” (in the Job Parameters window), the cost is debited to the WIP account assigned to the job’s job group. If you have chosen to capitalize “At Billing Price,” the cost is debited to the account specified in the “Open Cost” field in this window.

If “Post Hours in Job Journal” or “Post Amount in Job Journal” is chosen (for time or amount activities, respectively), the activity’s cost will be posted to the account referred to in the dimension combination in this field, for non-capitalized job. The P&LL account will be debited by the equivalent amount.

IF “Department from Employee” is chosen in the System Information window, the account entered here will be used for the department given for the employee, when entering to time activities.

Offset Account, Overhead Cost This posting reference is used for posting time on a job (time sheets and job journal) if an overhead rate has been specified, and if the job is set up with a job parameter type of “Overhead Cost” where the “Post Offset for Overhead Cost Separately” line is selected.
P&L In this field, enter the number of a dimension combination that contains the G/L account to be used for entries in the General Journal window, for invoice allocations in the Invoice Allocation window, for item deliveries (for orders marked as “Invoice in Job Cost”), and for jobs being posted to Profit & Loss (instead of being capitalized). The dimension combination can also contain references to other dimension values to be used in this connection. Job expenses (at cost) for the activity are then posted to the account and any other dimension values referred to in the dimension combination specified in this field.

The account information card of the account referenced here contains a reference to a tax code. This tax code will be applied for registration of ingoing tax when you make registrations for the current activity. However, if you use tax tables, the tax code is found by means of the relevant tax table. For further information on this, see the description of the “Reporting Code” field in the card part.

When you select “Post Hours in Job Journal” or “Post Amount in Job Journal” in the System Information window, Maconomy posts job journal entries to the account and any other dimension values in the dimension combination, if the entries are not being capitalized.

Cost Price In this field, enter the number of a dimension combination that contains the G/L account to which you want to post cost of sales relating to the given activity and given department. This only applies if the field “Post by Activity” in the System Information window has been marked. The dimension combination can also contain references to other dimension values to be used in this connection. Note that cost of sales only occurs for jobs that are capitalized.
Open Cost Price This field shows the open cost price.
Billing Price, Taxable In this field you may enter the number of a dimension combination for the posting of billing price to an account.
Billing Price, Tax Exempt In this field you may enter the number of a dimension combination for the posting of billing price to an account.
Billing Price, Export In this field you may enter the number of a dimension combination for the posting of billing price to an account.
Open Billing Price In this field, enter the number of dimension combination that contains the G/L account to be used if the job is being capitalized and if you have selected the capitalization method “At Billing Price” in the job parameter type “Revenue Recognition” for the job in question. The dimension combination can also contain references to other dimension values to be used in this connection.

When a job entry is posted, the billing price is credited to this account and any other dimension values specified in the dimension combination, and debited to the WIP account.

When the job is invoiced, the billing price is debited to this account and any other dimension values specified in the dimension combination, and credited to the WIP account.

Open Billing Price, Adjustment In this field, enter the number of a dimension combination containing the G/L account to be used if the job is being capitalized and if you have selected the capitalization method “At Billing Price” in the job parameter type “Revenue Recognition” for the job in question. The dimension combination can also contain references to other dimension values to be used in this connection.

If the job parameters assigned to a job specify that overruns should be handled, this account and any other dimension values in the dimension combination will be used for adjusting the open billing price when overruns are registered on the job. An overrun occurs when the costs registered on the job exceed the fixed quote price of the job. The adjustment itself is carried out automatically when the job entries are posted. For further information, please see the description of the system parameter attribute “Handling of Overruns” in the Job Parameters window.

The activity used in connection with overruns on jobs is specified in the job parameter attribute “Activity for Job Revenue Adjustment” in the Job Parameters window. The activity must be an invoiceable amount activity.

Cost Price Transferred Internally In this field, enter the number of a dimension combination that contains the number of the G/L account to be used if costs on job entries are transferred between dimensions as a result of a job transfer carried out in the Job Transfer window. The posting reference is used when posting a job transfer journal created for a job using capitalization at billing price and for which the field “Post By Activity” has been marked in the System Information window. When posting such a journal, postings are made to the accounts for open cost and open billing price as well as to this account and the account for sales transferred internally.
Billing Price Transferred Internally In this field you may enter the number of a dimension combination for the posting of billing price to an account.
Standard Billing Price This posting reference is used upon posting of invoices if the job attribute is turned on.
Standard Billing Price, Offset This posting reference is used upon posting of invoices if the job attribute is turned on.
Invoice Deviation In this field, enter the number of a dimension combination that contains the number of the G/L account to be used for posting the difference between the contracted billing price and the billing price actually invoiced. This dimension combination is used for jobs for which the job parameter attributes “Posting of Contract Deviation” is set to “No” and “Posting of Invoice Deviation” is set to “Yes.” For more information, please see the description of the job parameter type “Revenue Recognition.”
Contract Deviation In this field, enter the number of a dimension combination that contains the number of the G/L account to be used for posting the difference between the standard billing price and the contracted billing price. This dimension combination is used for jobs for which the job parameter attributes “Posting of Contract Deviation” is set to “Yes” and “Posting of Invoice Deviation” is set to “No.” For more information, please see the description of the job parameter type “Revenue Recognition.”
Contract Deviation, Offset In this field, enter the number of a dimension combination that contains the number of the G/L account to be used for posting the offset of the difference between the contracted billing price and the actual billing price. This dimension combination is used for jobs for which the job parameter attributes “Posting of Contract Deviation” is set to “Yes” and “Posting of Invoice Deviation” is set to “No.” For more information, please see the description of the job parameter type “Revenue Recognition.”
P&L Intercompany In this field, enter the number of a dimension combination that contains the G/L account to be used for intercompany entries in the General Journal window, for invoice allocations in the Invoice Allocation window, for item deliveries (for orders marked as “Invoice in Job Cost”) a, and for jobs being posted to Profit & Loss (instead of being capitalized). The dimension combination can also contain references to other dimension values to be used in this connection. Job expenses (at cost) for the activity are then posted to the account and any other dimension values referred to in the dimension combination specified in this field.

When you select “Post Hours in Job Journal” or “Post Amount in Job Journal” in the System Information window, Maconomy posts job journal entries to the account and any other dimension values in the dimension combination, if the entries are not being capitalized.

Cost Price, Intercompany In this field you may enter the number of a dimension combination for the posting of cost price to an account.
Open Cost Price, Intercompany In this field, enter the number of a dimension combination that contains the number of the G/L account to be used if open costs on job entries involve two companies. The posting reference is used for registering the cost of the responsible company (that is, the intercompany price) on non-invoiced job entries. When the entries are invoiced, the amounts are moved from this account to the account “Cost of Sales, Intercompany.” This means that the posting reference “Item Sales, Intercomp.” Can be balanced with the sum of the two posting references “Open Cost, Intercomp.” And “Cost of Sales, Intercom.”
Billing Price, Intercompany In this field you may enter the number of a dimension combination for the posting of billing price to an account.
Job Accrual You can select whether this line is used for accrued registrations, non-accrued registrations, or all registrations.
Invoice Discount This field shows the invoice discount deducted from the invoice.
Invoiced On Account This field shows the total amount invoiced on account.
Work in Progress, Unrealized Exchange Rate Variance Enter a dimension combination to allow the selection of a dimension combination for posting of unrealized exchange rate variance on WIP.
Invoiced on Account, Unrealized Exchange Rate Variance Enter a dimension combination to allow the selection of a dimension combination for posting of unrealized exchange rate variance IOA.
Work in Progress, Unrealized Enterprise Exchange Rate Variance Enter a dimension combination to allow the selection of a dimension combination for posting of unrealized exchange rate variance in the enterprise currency on WIP.
Invoiced on Account, Unrealized Enterprise Exchange Rate Variance Enter a dimension combination to allow the selection of a dimension combination for posting of unrealized exchange rate variance in the enterprise currency on IOA.
Work in Progress, Variance, Time Enter a dimension combination to allow the selection dimension combination for posting of the offset unrealized exchange rate variance on WIP (time related).
Work in Progress, Variance, Amount Enter a dimension combination to allow the selection dimension combination for posting of the offset unrealized exchange rate variance on WIP (amount related).
Invoiced on Account, Variance Enter a dimension combination to allow the selection dimension combination for posting of the offset unrealized exchange rate variance on IOAs.
Cost Price Adjustment, Unit Price Rounding

Enter or select a dimension combination to use for rounding the total price in base currency.

This is calculated from the subtraction of the value of the total cost posted in the G/L and the total cost in job cost (which is calculated as the unit price multiplied with the number of units).

Cost Price Adjustment, Unit Price Enterprise Rounding

Enter or select a dimension combination to use for rounding the total value in enterprise currency.

This is calculated from the subtraction of the total cost posted in the G/L and the total cost in job cost (which is calculated as the unit price multiplied with the number of units).

Popup 1-5 You can use these fields to enter further target groups for the line.
Customer Popup 1-5 You can use these fields to enter further target groups for the line.
Employee Popup 1-5 You can use these fields to enter further target groups for the line.