Job Invoice Crediting Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Invoice Crediting tab.

Invoice Island

Field Description
Invoice No. This field shows the invoice number.
Invoice Date This field shows the invoice date.
Payment terms This field shows the payment terms of the invoice.
Due Date This field shows the due date of the invoices.
Invoice Name This field shows the invoice Name on the invoice.
Job This field shows the name and number of the job on the invoices.
Company This field shows the name and number of the company of the invoices.
Settling Company Invoices This field shows the name and number of the settling company the invoices.

Amount Island

Field Description
Invoice Currency This field shows the currency of the invoice. The following amounts are shown in invoice currency.
Total Billing Price The total billing price of the invoice. This is the amount invoiced before tax, and before any discount and on account reduction in case it is a T&M invoice.
Tax The tax on the invoice.
Net on Account Net on account reduction.
Tax on Account Tax on account reduction.
Balance Due The total balance due for the invoice.
Std. Currency Standard currency of the customer.
Total in Standard Balance due in standard currency of the customer.

Previously Credited Island

Field Description
Credited Billing Price If the invoice has been credited, fully or partially, this field shows the billing price credited (before tax, discount, on account reduction).
Credited, Total If the invoice has been credited, this field shows the total amount credited (including tax, discount, on account reduction).

Status Island

Field Description
Status This field shows the status of the crediting process, going from Open For Invoice Selection (credited not started) to Approved for Editing (crediting started, draft not yet approved) to Approved for Crediting (credit memo ready to be printed) to Fully Credited. If the crediting has not been started, or completed, the status may show Invoicing in Progress which means that the invoice selection has been approved and is not related to the given invoice.
Billing Price for Crediting Once crediting has been started, this field shows the billing price for crediting.
Approved for Credit Once the credit memo is ready print, this field shows the name of user and date of approval.

Billing Address Island

This island shows the billing address on the invoice.

Ship to Address

This island shows the ship to address on the invoice.