Show G/L Entries Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Show G/L Entries tab.

Entry Information Island

Field Description
Trans. No. This is the entry’s transaction number.
Trans. Type This is the entry’s transaction type. Transaction types are set up in the Transaction Types workspace.
Entry Date This is the date when the entry was entered to the general ledger. It indicates which period the entry is in.
Entry Description This is the entry text.
Prior-Period This is the current entry’s prior period.
Open/Closed This field displays whether the current G/L entry is open or closed. In the Account Information Card workspace, you can specify whether an account is to be reconciled. When entries on the account are subsequently reconciled in the Finance Reconciliation workspace, their status is changed from “Open” to “Closed.”
Reference Date This field shows the reference date for the current entry. The reference date can manually be specified on G/L journals and vendor invoices. The reference date is automatically set to the job/cost entry date for job-related entries in the cases where the job/cost entry date can be different from the G/L entry date.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field displays the company’s name and number.
Base Currency This field displays the company’s base currency.

Account Island

Field Description
Account This field displays the account name and number.

Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location This is the name of the location attached to the current entry.
Entity This is the name of the entity attached to the current entry.
Project This is the name of the project attached to the current entry.
Purpose This is the name of the purpose attached to the current entry.
Spec. 1-3 These are the names of the specifications attached to the current entry.
Local Spec. 1-3 These are the names of the local specifications attached to the current entry.

Control Account Island

Field Description
Job If the entry was created as a result of entry on a job, the job number in question is shown in this field, if the Account Information Card for the G/L account in question specifies that job numbers should be transferred to G/L entries.
Activity If the entry was created as a result of entry on an activity, the activity number in question is shown in this field, if the Account Information Card for the G/L account in question specifies that activity numbers should be transferred to G/L entries.
Task If the entry was created as a result of entry on a task, the task in question is shown in this field, if the Account Information Card for the G/L account in question specifies that tasks should be transferred to G/L entries.
Employee If the entry was created as a result of entry on an employee, the employee number in question is shown in this field.
Customer If the entry was created as a result of entry on a customer, the customer number in question is shown in this field, if the Account Information Card for the G/L account in question specifies that customer numbers should be transferred to G/L entries.
Vendor If the entry was created as a result of entry on a vendor, the vendor number in question is shown in this field, if the Account Information Card for the G/L account in question specifies that vendor numbers should be transferred to G/L entries.
Item If the entry was created as a result of entry on an item, the item number in question is shown in this field, if the Account Information Card for the G/L account in question specifies that item numbers should be transferred to G/L entries.
Asset If the entry was created as a result of entry on an asset, the asset number in question is shown in this field, if the Account Information Card for the G/L account in question specifies that asset numbers should be transferred to G/L entries.
Entry No. G/L entries which are assigned to a specific customer or vendor through a customer or vendor entry are automatically given an entry number. If the current entry was created as a result of a customer or a vendor entry, the entry number of the current entry is shown in this field. The number will be 0 if the entry consists of several customer or vendor entries which are joined into a single G/L entry.

Posting Island

Field Description
Date Posted This is the date when the entry was posted to the general ledger.
Time Posted This field shows the time at which the journal/entry was posted. Maconomy uses the posting time internally only, for drilling in financial statements.
Journal No. This is the number of the posting journal to which the entry is posted.
Journal Line No. This is the number of the journal line in the posting journal to which the entry is posted. If there is more than one entry to a transaction, Maconomy numbers the lines with the same number within the transaction. If, for example, you tax an entry in the window General Journal, you will get two entries with the same line number.
Journal Type This field shows the journal type.
Aut. Entry If this box is checked, the account number has been supplied by means of a posting reference. If the box is not checked, the user specified an account number manually in the General Journal, Invoice Allocation, or Reallocate Invoices window. In this way it is, for example, possible to check whether manual postings have been made on control accounts.

Intercompany Posting Island

Field Description
Intercompany Company If the entry was created as a result of an intercompany posting, this field shows the number of the intercompany company.
Journal No. If the entry was created as a result of an intercompany posting, this field shows the number of the journal in the intercompany company in which the entry was posted.
Journal Line No. If the entry was created as a result of an intercompany posting, this field shows the line number of the posting journal in the intercompany company in which the entry was posted.

Entry Island

Field Description
Debit, Base This is the entry amount in the base currency of the company displayed in the Company island, if the entry is a debit entry.
Credit, Base This is the entry amount in the base currency of the company displayed in the Company island, if the entry is a credit entry.
Debit, Enterprise This is the entry amount in enterprise currency, if the entry is a debit entry.
Credit, Enterprise This is the entry amount in enterprise currency, if the entry is a credit entry.
Debit, Currency This is the entry amount in the standard currency of the account, if the entry is a debit entry.
Credit, Currency This is the entry amount in the standard currency of the account, if the entry is a credit entry.
Currency This is the account’s currency.
Amount, Original This is the entry amount in the currency that the entry was registered in, for example, the field “Currency Amount” if the entry originates from a general journal entry; the currency specified on the vendor invoice if the entry originates from a vendor invoice; or the currency on the invoice if the entry was created upon the posting of an invoice.
Original Currency This is the currency that the entry was registered in, for example, the field “Currency” if the entry originates from a general journal entry; the currency of the vendor invoice if the originates from a vendor invoice; or the currency of the invoice if the entry was created upon the posting of an invoice.
Quantity This shows the quantity registered to the entry, if applicable.
Quantity 2 This shows the quantity 2 registered to the entry, if applicable.

Tax Island

Field Description
Entry Type If the current entry is related to tax calculation, this field shows the nature of the relation.

If the entry type is “Tax Receivable” or “Tax Payable,” the entry is a tax entry created in connection with tax calculation for sales or purchases. If the entry type is “Tax Basis,” the entry is a G/L entry on the basis of which tax entries have been created, for instance the G/L entry representing an invoice for taxable items. If the field contains a different value, the entry is a tax entry for one of the tax types set up in the windows Tax Codes and G/L Tax Codes.

Tax Date This field shows the tax date applying to the current entry. The tax date of a given entry can be either the entry date or the invoice date of the registration on which the entry is based, depending on the setup of the tax reporting unit used by the company that the entry concerns.
EU Tax In this field, you can specify the tax type under which EU acquisition tax should be reported in tax settlement printouts for the current tax reporting unit.
Nature of Tax This field displays whether the current entry (which is typically an expense account entry) regards sales of items or services which are taxable, tax exempt, or for export. The field is used when you need to calculate the value of taxable, tax-exempt, or export sales in connection with a tax settlement.
Tax Type This field shows the tax type assigned to the G/L tax code. See the description of the G/L Tax Codes window for more information about tax types.
Debit Tax This shows the tax on the entry, if the entry is a debit entry subject to tax.

Note that tax amount and tax account can only be registered to the account if the tax is calculated from a tax code in the general journal.

Credit Tax This shows the tax on the entry, if the entry is a credit entry subject to tax.
Debit Ratio Tax If ratio tax has been calculated for the current entry, the debit entry ratio tax amount is displayed in this field.

Ratio tax is set up in the G/L Tax Codes workspace.

Credit Ratio Tax If ratio tax has been calculated for the current entry, the credit entry ratio tax amount is displayed in this field.

Import Information Island

If the current G/L entry is imported using the Import Data window, import information is shown in this island.

Field Description
Run No. This field displays the run number of the currently imported G/L entry.
Line No. This field displays the line of the above-mentioned run from which the current G/L entry has been imported.
Delivery No. This field displays the delivery number of the import file from which the current G/L entry has been imported.
Data Sender This field displays the name of the data sender shown by the import file from which the current G/L entry has been imported.
External Trans. No. If a transaction number is registered on the current G/L entry in the import file, this field displays a transaction number. An external transaction number can, for example, be the number of the transaction in a legacy financial system.

Export Information Island

If the current G/L entry was exported using the Export Data window, export information is shown in this island.

Field Description
Run No. This field displays the run number of the currently exported G/L entry.
Group No. This field displays the number of the group in the above-mentioned run of which the current G/L entry was a part.
Line No. This field displays the line number of the above mentioned run of which the current G/L entry was a part.