Budget Control Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Budget Control tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Get Data If you mark this field, budgeted and actual amounts are displayed in the island Budget Control in accordance with the selection criteria specified in this island. If you do not mark this field, the island Budget Control will not display any figures.
Account In this field you can enter a range of account numbers. Budgeted and actual amounts will only be displayed for allocation combinations that fall within this range. For budget figures, however, only posting accounts and not summary accounts are included so that you can compare the budget figures and actual figures within the specified range of allocation combinations directly. The display may be further limited by entering selection criteria for the other 11 dimensions.
Company This functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Account” above.
Customer The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Account” above. However, if you specify a value in this field, the window will not show committed amounts, as commitment accounts are not maintained on customer level.
Vendor The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Customer” above.
Job The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Customer” above.
Activity The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Customer” above.
Task The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Customer” above.
Employee Information The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Customer” above.
Item The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Customer” above.
Asset The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Customer” above.

Selection Criteria, Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location This functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Account” above.
Entity This functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Account” above.
Project This functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Account” above.
Purpose This functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Account” above.
Spec. 1-3 This functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Account” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 This functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Account” above.

Budget Control Island

Field Description
Budget These fields display the budgeted opening and closing amounts for the fiscal year, respectively, and for the 12 periods of the fiscal year. The figures are retrieved from the posting accounts of the current budget model.
Committed These fields show the amount committed for the opening and closing of the fiscal year, respectively, and for the 12 periods of the fiscal year.

Committed amounts are future expenses registered in approved purchase orders. Purchase orders are created and approved in the Purchase Orders workspace in the A/P module.

The fields show the sum of amounts on approved purchase order lines within the specified allocation combination.

When posting a vendor invoice assigned to a purchase order or manually closing a purchase order, the amount will no longer be shown in this workspace, but the vendor invoice amount posted is shown in the column “Actual.”

Actual These fields display the actual opening and closing amounts for the fiscal year, respectively, and for the 12 periods of the fiscal year. The actual amounts are the sum of posted amounts of the current allocation combination.
Deviation These fields show the deviation between the budgeted and the sum of actual and committed opening and closing amounts for the fiscal year, respectively, and for the 12 periods of the fiscal year.
% (Percentage) These fields show the deviation between the budgeted and actual opening and closing amounts for the fiscal year, respectively, and for the 12 periods of the fiscal year. The deviation is measured in relation to the budgeted figures in the Budget column.

Budget Model Island

Field Description
Name Enter the name of the budget model for which you wish display budget and actual figures.
Description This field displays the description of the selected budget model. The description is retrieved from the Budget Models workspace.
Budget Type This field displays the budget type of the selected budget model, specified in the Budget Models workspace.
Version In this field, you enter which version of the current budget model you want to use. If you do not enter a number, Maconomy assumes the latest version of the current budget model.
Fiscal Year The fiscal year which applies to the selected budget model is shown in this field.
Price Year This field shows the price year originally specified on the budget model in question. If you do not enter a specific price year in the Price Year island, the workspace will show budget figures for the price year displayed in this field.

Price Year

Field Description
Price Year In this field, you can enter the price year of the budget model for which you wish to see budget figures. If you do not enter a price year in this field, Maconomy will use the price year originally specified on the current budget model. The original price year is displayed in the Budget Model island. If you specify a different price year than what the budget model indicates, the budget figures will be adjusted accordingly.
Price Register In this field, you can specify a price register to be used in the price adjustment. If you do not specify a price register, Maconomy will use the primary register. A price register lists the price adjustment of a certain year within a number of price areas. Price areas are created and maintained in the Price Areas workspace.


Field Description
Reporting Currency In this pop-up field, you can select the reporting currency in which the budget figures should be displayed. When converting amounts into the reporting currency, Maconomy uses the exchange rates valid on this date according to the enterprise exchange rate table selected in the System Information workspace in the Set-Up module for conversion of currency amounts.
Exchange Rate Table Specify the exchange rate table to use for conversion to reporting currency. If you do not specify an exchange rate table, Maconomy uses the company specific exchange rate table.