Invoice Allocation Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Invoice Allocation Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Responsible This field displays the employee number of the holder of approval for the current vendor invoice line.
Invoice No. This field displays the invoice or credit memo number of the vendor invoice or vendor credit memo to which the current line belongs.
Invoice Date This field displays the invoice date of the current line.
Vendor No. This field displays the number of the vendor attached to the current invoice line.
Trans. No. This field displays the transaction number derived from the current invoice line.
Trans. Type This field displays the transaction type derived from the current invoice line.
Entry Description This field displays the posting text entered for the current line in the window Invoice Allocation.
Debit If a vendor invoice is entered, this field will contain the amount from the invoice allocation line.
Credit If a vendor credit memo is entered, this field will contain the amount from the invoice allocation line.
Approve If you check this field, the current invoice line will be approved when you select the action “Approve for Payment.” When you select this action, the lines marked as approved will disappear from this window. Those lines may however be displayed again if you check the “Show Closed” box in the card part of the window and press enter.
Deferment Cause In this field you can select a deferment cause for the current line if it cannot be approved immediately. Deferment causes are created in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.
List No. This field displays the list number created when the approval list is printed in the window Print Approval List. Approval lists are typically printed with a view to manual approval of the invoice lines by the responsible approval holder. For further details see the description of the field in the card part of this window and the description of the window Print Approval List.
Closed When you select the “Approve for Payment” action, this field is marked for the lines which are approved. The lines disappear upon approval, but may be redisplayed if you check the “Show Closed” box in the card part of the window and press enter.
Remarks In this field you can enter a remark regarding the current invoice line. You may, for example, enter additional remarks to a line which is deferred.
Pay to Vend. No. This field displays a pay to vendor number if payment of a vendor invoice goes to another vendor than the vendor who delivered the goods.
Account No. This field displays the account number which may be specified in the corresponding line in the window Invoice Allocation.
Company No. This field displays the number of the company displayed in the card part of the window Vendor Invoices.
Location See the description of the field “Account No.” above.
Entity See the description of the field “Account No.” above.
Project See the description of the field “Account No.” above.
Purpose See the description of the field “Account No.” above.
Spec. 1-3 See the description of the field “Account No.” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 See the description of the field “Account No.” above.