Derived Dimensions Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Derived Dimensions tab.

Derived Dimensions Island

Field Description
Used in Relation This field shows whether the information in the workspace pertains to a location, an entity, a project, a purpose, a spec. 1-3 value, a local spec. 1-3 value, a job, or an employee.
Key 1 This field shows the value of the first key field for the type of information for which the dimension combination has been specified. A key value is a unique identification of a certain job, activity, dimension value, and so on. No two items of the same information type can have the same key value.

The field that contains the key value is called the key and varies from information type to information type. For instance, the key on jobs is the job number, and the key to entities is the entity number.

In certain cases, a key consists of two key values, key 1 and 2. In these cases, the combination of the two key values constitutes the key of that information type. An example of this is local specification values, where the first key value points to the local specification list to which the local spec. value belongs, and the second key value is the actual local spec. value. So it is possible for several pieces of information to have the same value in key 1 or key 2, but there can be no more than one piece of information with the same combination of values in key 1 and 2.

Key 2 This field shows the value of the second key field for the type of information currently shown in the workspace. For more information about key fields and values, please see the description of the field “Key 1” above.
Description In this field, you can specify a description of the information in the workspace.
Option List In this field, you can specify an option list. If you specify an option list, you can only select options from this list in the field “Selected Value” in the Dimension Lines sub-tab. This way, you can set up a number of options describing the reason for each change in the derived dimensions. If you leave the field blank, you can enter any value in the field “Selected Value.”

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the User island.