Print Item Group Statistics Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Print Item Group Statistics Tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Item No. Here you specify a range of item numbers. The statistics will only include items within this range.
Item Group Here you select an item group. The statistics will only include items in this group.
Item Type Here you select an item type. The statistics will only include items of this type.
Warehouse Here you select a warehouse. The statistics will only include items assigned to this warehouse.
Company No. Here you enter a range of company numbers. The statistics will only include item entries which are created on the basis of transactions with a responsible company number within the specified range.
Statistics 1-4 Here you can specify a range of statistics codes in each of the four statistics categories. The statistics will only include items with statistics codes within the given range.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Show Info. by Item You mark this field if you wish to see sales and gross margins per item. If the field is not marked, the printout shows a total figure per item group.
Include Inactive Items Here you specify whether to include items for which there are no sales in the given month. If the field is marked, the printout includes such inactive items. Note that this only applies if you mark the “Show Info. by Item” field.
Layout In this field, you can select which layout to use for the printout. If no additional layouts for the current printout have been added in the window Print Layout in the Set-Up module, “Standard” is the only option.

Period Island

Field Description
Month Here you specify the month for which to make statistics. You enter “1” for January, “2” for February, and so on. You must fill in the field.
Year Here you specify the year of the monthly statistics. You must fill in the field.