Print Inventory Listing Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Print Inventory Listing Tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Warehouse In this field, you can enter a warehouse with the result that the inventory listing only includes items stocked in the warehouse in question.
Company No. In this field, you can enter a range of company numbers. The inventory listing will only include warehouses assigned to companies within the specified range.
Item No. In this field, you can enter a range of item numbers with the result that the inventory listing only includes items within that range.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Incl. Items not in Stock In this field, you can specify whether items with a physical stock of zero are to be included in the inventory listing. If the field is not marked, only items with a positive stock will be included.
Show Serial Numbers In this field, you can choose whether or not to print out information about individual serial numbers (serial number and quantity) for items under serial number control. If the field is not marked, no serial number information will be included in the inventory listing.
Only Show Ser. Nos. in Stock In this field, you can choose whether serial numbers with a physical stock of zero are to be included in the inventory listing. If the field is not marked, only serial numbers with a positive stock will be included. The field is activated by marking the field “Show Serial Numbers.”
Layout Here, you can choose the layout to be used for printing out the inventory listing. The layout determines the sorting of the information in the inventor listing. You can choose between two layouts in this pop-up field: “Sorted by Warehouse,” in which the items are sorted by warehouse and “Sorted by Item,” in which the items are sorted by serial number.