Text Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Text Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Description Here you enter the footer text. Footer texts can still be changed after the current quote/sales order has been printed. The new text will then be used in subsequent prints, including reprints. For invoices, credit memos, and packing slips, the footer in a reprint will however always be the same as on the original printout.
Template No. If the current line was created on the basis of a footer template, this field displays the number of the template used. If the line was created manually, this field is blank.
Quote If you mark this field, the current footer line is printed on any quote printed in connection with the order process. The field is only relevant if the card part of the window is displaying a quote.
Order Confirmation If you mark this field, the current footer line is printed on any order confirmation printed in connection with the order process. On orders which are specified as main orders, the footer will be included when the order is printed from the window Print Main Order. The footer is, however, not included on the suborders assigned to the main order. The field is only relevant if the card part of the window is displaying a quote or a sales order.
Packing List If you mark this field, the current footer line is printed on any packing list printed in connection with the order process. The field is only relevant if the card part of the window is displaying a quote or a sales order.
Packing Slip If you mark this field, the current footer line is printed on the packing slip created on the basis of the displayed quote/sales order. The field is only relevant if the card part of the window is displaying a quote or a sales order.
Returns List If you mark this field, the current footer line is printed on any returns list created on the basis of the displayed credit order. The field is only relevant if the card part of the window is displaying a credit order.
Invoice If you mark this field, the current footer line is printed on any invoice printed in connection with the order process. On orders which are specified as main orders, the footer will be included when the order is printed from the window Print Main Order Invoice. The footer is, however, not included on the suborders assigned to the main order. The field is only relevant if the card part of the window is displaying a quote or a sales order.
Credit Memo If you mark this field, the current footer line is printed on any credit memo printed in connection with the order process. The field is only relevant if the card part of the window is displaying a credit order.
Label If you mark this field, the current footer line is printed on any label created based on the order or quote displayed.
Bill of Lading If you mark this field, the current footer line is printed on any bill of lading created based on the order displayed.
Consignment If you mark this field, the current footer line is included when you print information about a consignment, of which the current order is a part, from the window Consignments.
Consignment Slip If you mark this field, the current footer line is printed on any consignment slip created based on the order displayed.