Footers Workspace

Use this workspace to define the footers to be printed on a number of external order papers based on quotes, sales orders, and credit orders.

You can enter any text in a footer line, and you can use this feature for an additional description of the item lines in a sales order, for example, or for notifying your customers about opening hours or summer holiday closing.

In the Footers tab you select the quote, sales order, or credit order for which you want to define footer lines. In the Text Lines sub-tab, you enter the footer text, and you can select which external documents you want to print the footers on. For instance, if you want to print a certain footer on quotes and order confirmations, and another on invoices and packing slips, you can create a footer line for each of those document types. Footers are printed immediately below the item lines on the selected document types.

The Text Lines sub-tab also contains any footers created based on footer templates. When you create a sales order or a quote, Maconomy checks whether the quote or sales order matches the selection criteria in one or more footer templates. If this is the case, the footer lines from the templates in question are transferred to this workspace, where you can review and edit them. If footer templates are not used, or if a quote or a sales order does not match any selection criteria of existing footer templates, the Text Lines sub-tab is empty for the quote or order in question.