Footers Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Footers tab.

Sales Orders Island

Field Description
Order No. This field shows the number of the quote, sales order or credit order in the window. The value cannot be changed manually. If you cannot remember the number, you can use the search functions in the Find menu.
Order Type This field shows whether the order is a quote, sales order or credit order. The value cannot be changed.
Created on This is the date the quote, sales order or credit order was created. The date cannot be changed.
Reference This is the note entered in the “Reference” field in the quote, sales order or credit order. The text cannot be changed here.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field shows the number of the company responsible for the current order. The value is transferred from the island Company on the order in question.

This field also shows the name of the specified company.

Ship to Address Island

Field Description
Customer This is the number of the customer receiving the quote, sales order or credit order. The number cannot be changed here.

The other lines in this field show the customer’s name and address. The information is retrieved from the quote, sales order or credit order. It cannot be changed here.

Attn. This is the customer’s attention person the person to whom shipping information is directed. The information is retrieved from the quote, sales order or credit order. It cannot be changed here.