Absence Calendar Lines Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Absence Calendar Lines tab.

Employee Information Island

Field Description
Employee These fields show the name and number of the employee to which the current absence calendar line pertains.

Absence Island

Field Description
First Day of Absence This field shows the first day in the range of dates covered by the current absence calendar line.
Duration Enter the duration of the current absence period. If you enter an absence period which overlaps dates for which planning lines have been created in the Detailed Planning workspace, Maconomy issues a warning, and the planned number of hours on the specified days are deleted when the line becomes effective.

This field accepts a decimal number. The number is interpreted as hours or days according to the value in the Time Unit field.

If the time unit is days:
  • The value is limited to be a positive increment of 0.5.
  • The value counts days, including non-working days.

    Thus, registering a duration of two and a half days starting Friday covers Saturday and Sunday, with no actual absence.

If the time unit is hours:
  • Any positive decimal number is accepted.
  • The value counts working hours thus skips non-working days.

    Thus, registering a duration of 20 hours starting Friday extends into Monday and Tuesday (counting absences on those working days).

Last Day of Absence

Enter the last day of the current absence period. If you entered a value in the Duration field, Maconomy automatically calculates the last day of absence on the basis of the first day of absence and the duration.

If you enter an absence period which overlaps dates for which planning lines have been created in the Detailed Planning workspace, Maconomy issues a warning, and the planned number of hours on the days in question are deleted when the line becomes effective.

Note: Regardless of time unit, this field and the Duration field is kept in sync according to hours or days.

You can register absences for a period that covers more than one Vacation Period. The first day of absence decides the required time unit. Thus, this alone may lead to a vacation period with registrations on both hours and days.

Absence Type In this field, you can select the reason for the absence, for example, vacation or illness. Absence types are created in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.
Working Time This field shows a decimal number in hours or days, according to the current value of the Time Unit field. If the time unit is hours, the value in this field is equal to the value in the Duration field.

If the time unit is days:

  • The value counts working days. Thus, a duration of 2½ days starting Friday shows the working time of one day (Friday).

If the time unit is hours:

  • The value counts working hours. Thus, a duration of 20 hours starting Friday shows a working time of 20 hours (always equal to duration).
First Day is Half Day Select this check box if the first day of absence is only half a day. If you selected Hours as the Time Unit value upon registration, selecting this check box calculates the appropriate number of hours in the Hours, First Day field.
Last Day is Half Day Select this check box if the last day of absence is only half a day.
Attention: Always use the Last Day is Half Day field to record a single half day. This allows an additional registration with the same starting date and First Day is Half Day field selected.

If you selected Hours as the Time Unit value upon registration, selecting this check box calculates the appropriate number of hours in the Hours, Last Day field.

Temporary If you mark this field, the specified absence will be considered as tentatively planned and will therefore not affect the planning, even if absence approval is used, and the line is approved. If a planning line is created in the window Detailed Planning for the employee in question for a date covered by an absence line which is marked as temporary, Maconomy will issue a warning. However, if absence approval is used, a warning is only issued if the absence line in question is approved.
Remarks In this field, you can enter a remark to the absence.
Time Unit This field shows the time unit of the absence calendar line.

When a new absence calendar line is created, the value is initialized according to the vacation calendar appropriate for the context employee and context selected date, or current date if no context date is available.

You can change the value in the creation step in order to comply with another intended vacation period when selecting the actual starting date.

The correct value according to the appropriate vacation period setup is calculated when the user saves the new line. If the initial or user selected value differs from the appropriate value AND a time value field (such as Duration, Hours, First Day, and Hours, Last Day) is not zero, then an error message displays stating that you must change the time unit value and reconsider the quantities selected according to the changed time unit. This ensures that the time unit is selected according to the vacation period upon creation. Later updates to the registration does not change the time unit.

Hours, First Day Enter the number of hours of absence on the first day of absence. If you enter a value of zero, the first day is a full day of absence. An error message appears to prevent the use of this field if the selected time unit is days. An error message also appears if you simultaneously edit this field and select the First Day is Half Day field. If you edit this field, the First Day is Half Day field is automatically recalculated.
Hours, Last Day Enter the number of hours of absence on the last day of absence. If you enter a value of zero, the first day is a full day of absence. An error message appears to prevent the use of this field if the selected time unit is days. An error message also appears if you simultaneously edit this field and select the Last Day is Half Day field. If you edit this field, the Last Day is Half Day field is automatically recalculated.
Submitted This field shows whether the current line has been submitted.
Submitted by If the current line has been submitted, this field shows the name of the user who submitted the line.
Date Submitted If the current line has been submitted, this field shows the date on which the submission took place.
Approved This field shows whether the current line has been approved.
Approved by If the current line has been approved, this field shows the name of the user who approved the line.
Approval Date If the current line has been approved, this field shows the date on which the approval took place.
Rejected This field shows whether the current line has been rejected.
Rejected by If the current line has been rejected, this field shows the name of the user who rejected the line.
Rejected on If the current line has been rejected, this field shows the date on which the rejection took place.
Reopened This field shows whether the current line has been reopened.
Synchronized with Time Sheets This field shows whether time sheet lines have been created automatically upon approval for the entire absence period. You cannot change this value.