
This section shows the Actions available in the Bank Reconciliations workspace.

Top Tab

Field Description
Approve Reconciliation When you select this action, the entries marked with “To Reconcile” will be reconciled with the new account statement. Approved reconciliations can later be viewed in the window Show Bank Reconciliation.

If new entries have been made during the reconciliation, Maconomy will furthermore create a bank reconciliation journal which can be posted from the windows Posting and Print Posting Journal. At the posting, the entries are created and marked as reconciled with the account statement. The transaction numbers of these entries are ignored in the number series “Bank Reconciliation.” All new entries are assigned the same transaction number.

If you try to approve a reconciliation, and both values in the fields “Balance” (G/L Account) and “Balance” (Bank) are not zero, Maconomy will issue a warning.

Mark All for Reconciliation When you select this action, all lines in the table part will be marked for reconciliation.
Unmark All for Reconciliation When you select this action, all lines in the table part will be unmarked for reconciliation, except lines that have been created manually in this window: such lines are not unmarked.