Vendor Information Card Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Vendor Information Card tab.

Vendor Island

Field Description
Vendor No. In this field, you enter a unique vendor identification, referred to as the “Vendor Number.” If you do not specify a number but you have specified a company number in the field “Company No.,” the vendor number in this field will be derived from the company-specific number series “Vendor Series” belonging to the specified company. If you enter neither a number nor a company, the vendor number will be derived from the “global” number series belonging to the first company created in the system. When the vendor has been created, the vendor number can no longer be changed.

You can also enter the vendor’s name and address here. This information is used as reference, and it is shown on various printouts. As a minimum, you must complete the first line immediately below the vendor number.

Attn. In this field, you enter the name of the person to whom shipping and payment information is to be directed. This information is used on printouts.
Country In this field, you select the vendor’s country. The information is for reference, and it can be used to generate statistics.

Countries are maintained in the Popup Field window “Country” in the Set-Up module.

Phone In this field, you may enter the vendor’s phone number. This information is used for reference.
E-mail In this field, you may enter the vendor’s electronic mail address. This information is used for reference.
Fax In this field, you may enter the vendor’s fax number. This information is used for reference.
Telex In this field, you may enter the vendor’s telex number. This information is used for reference.
Giro In this field, you may enter the vendor’s postal giro number. This information is used for reference.
Remittance Email Address Specify the email address of the vendor linked to the payment where Maconomy sends the vendor remittance email.

Settling Company Island

Field Description
Company In this field, you can enter a value for the Company dimension. If you specify a company, that company will be the settling company on all vendor invoices, item purchase orders, and so on, where the current vendor is the pay to vendor.

If you do not specify a settling company, the vendor is regarded as a global vendor. When a global vendor is specified on, for example, a vendor invoice, the settling company will be determined from the company responsible for the vendor invoice journal in question, as Maconomy will retrieve the value from the field “Vendor Settling Company” in the Company Information Card for the responsible company.

For further information about the influence of the settling company and how such a company is determined, please see the section Multiple Companies in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L module.”

This field also shows the name of the specified company.

General Information Island

Field Description
Department In this field, you enter the department that normally receives items purchased from this vendor.

The field determines the G/L accounts for cash discounts and exchange rate differences. These can occur when you pay invoices. G/L references to cash discounts and exchange rate differences are specified by means of dimension combinations in the window Posting References in the G/L module.

Language In this field, you designate the language of the vendor. The language is used for printouts and statistics.

Language codes are maintained in the Popup Fields window in the Set-Up module.

Currency In this field, you select the vendor’s standard currency. All vendor transactions are converted into the vendor’s standard currency, and this currency is also the currency used when paying the current vendor. This means you can print and send account statements in the vendor’s own currency.

All vendor transactions are registered in the following currencies:

  • Standard Currency — The currency the vendor has requested to use and the currency in which payments to the vendor are usually made.
  • Company Base Currency — The currency selected as base currency for the company responsible for a given transaction.
  • Enterprise Currency — The currency selected as enterprise currency in the window System Information in the Set-Up module.
  • Original Currency — The original currency of a given transaction, for example, FFR, if the German vendor is paid in French Francs.

The field “Currency” cannot be changed if entries have been posted or are ready to be posted to the vendor. This is a precaution against inconsistencies.

Currencies are maintained in the Popup Fields window in the Set-Up module.

Vendor Group In this field, you select the group to which the vendor belongs. This field is used to classify vendors (for example, by trade).

Vendor groups are maintained in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.

Enterprise In this field, you can specify an enterprise. The specified value is used by default when a purchase order or a vendor invoice is created.
You maintain enterprises in the Enterprises field in the Popup Fields single dialog workspace under the Set-Up module.
Segment In this field, you can specify a segment. The specified value is used by default when a purchase order or a vendor invoice is created.
You maintain segments in the Segments field in the Popup Fields single dialog workspace under the Set-Up module.
Area In this field, you can specify an area. The specified value is used by default when a purchase order or a vendor invoice is created.
You maintain areas in the Area field in the Popup Fields single dialog workspace under the Set-Up module.
BACS No. In this field, you can enter the vendor’s number for automated clearing service. The number is used for reference and electronic payment.
Comp. Reg. No. In this field you enter the vendor’s company registration number if the vendor is a company. If you enter a number which is already in use, Maconomy will display a warning.

If you have entered company registration number validation rules for the vendor’s country in the window Rules of Validation in the Set-Up module, Maconomy will verify that the company registration number complies with these validation rules. The completion of this field is optional.

CNR No. In this field you enter the vendor’s CNR number (or social security/federal ID number) if the vendor is a person. If you enter a CNR number which is already in use, Maconomy will display a warning.

If you have entered CNR number validation rules for the vendor’s country in the window Rules of Validation in the Set-Up module, Maconomy will verify that the CNR number complies with these validation rules. The completion of this field is optional.

Disclosable In this field, you can specify whether the current vendor should be disclosable. If a vendor has been marked as disclosable, the mark will be transferred to the field “Disclosable” in the windows Vendor Invoices and Invoice Allocation, when you make an invoice for the vendor in question.

When reporting to tax authorities, you distinguish between disclosable and tax exempt services for disclosable invoices. If you wish to mark a vendor as disclosable, the vendor’s information card must contain a CNR or Corporate Registration Number.

Status Active or Inactive. If the vendor is active, then they can be used in all areas stipulated by the Allow fields. If inactive, the vendor cannot be used for anything.
First Activation Date / Active Period When the Status field is set to Active, this field name is First Activation Date and it displays the date that the vendor was first made active. When the Status field is set to Inactive, this field name is Active Period and it displays the date interval that the vendor was active.
Standard Allocation Code In this field, you can specify a standard allocation code to apply to the vendor. The allocation code specified is automatically used when creating vendor invoices for the vendor in question, if no other allocation code has been manually entered at the creation of an invoice.
Week Calendar No. In this field, you can specify a week calendar which contains information about days on which the vendor is closed (that is, days where the number of working hours is 0 according to the specified week calendar). This information is used in the calculation of delivery dates, as only the number of days where the vendor is open are counted as part of the delivery time.

If you do not specify a week calendar, all days are counted as part of the delivery time.

For further information on the week calendar’s influence on the calculation of delivery dates, please see the description of the field “Deliv. Date” in the table part of the window Item Purchase Orders in the Item Purchase module.

Week calendars are created in the window Week Calendars in the Set-Up module.

Holiday Calendar Name In this field, you can specify a holiday calendar to use for the vendor. This information is used in the calculation of delivery dates, in a way similar to the way that the week calendar is used (described above.)

Supplement Island

Field Description
Vendor Supplement Link this Supplement to a Vendor to display the Supplement in the Vendors » Home » Information workspace.
[Vendor] BPM Link this Supplement to a Vendor to display the Supplement in the Vendors » Home » Information workspace.
Field Description
Employee In this field you can enter an employee number. If you enter an employee number, the vendor will be assigned to the employee as outlay settlement vendor. The field is only available if Employee-Vendor linking is enabled.
Linking Rule In this field you can enter a linking rule that describes the linking from the template employee to vendor.

Extra Fields Island

Field Description
Popup 1-5 In these fields, you can select a number of pop-up values for further specification of the current vendor. The options are created in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.

Document Archive Island

Field Description
Document Archive In this field, you can assign a document archive to the vendor in question. Document archives are created in the window Document Archives in the Set-Up module. See the description of that window for further information on the use of document archives.
Document Count This field displays the number of documents in the Document Archive.

Purchase Orders Island

Field Description
Default to Self Invoices Select this check box so that when users create purchase orders for the vendor, Maconomy marks the PO for self-invoicing.
Reference Mandatory on Time Sheet Lines Select this check box to require the vendor to refer to a purchase order line in time sheet lines. This applies to vendors who are subcontractors with employee credentials.

When creating time sheet lines, the vendor can only refer to subcontractor reconciliation purchase order lines.

If you select this check box and only one purchase order line is open for the vendor, Maconomy automatically fills out the following fields in any time sheet lines that the vendor creates:

  • Purchase Order Number
  • Purchase Order Line
  • Job No.
  • Job Name
  • Act. No.
  • Task

When the vendor posts these time sheet lines, Maconomy automatically fills out the Cost field in the job entry. Maconomy copies the value from the purchase order specified in the posted time sheet line.

Reference Mandatory on Expense Sheet Lines Select this check box to require the vendor to refer to a purchase order in expense sheet lines. This applies to vendors who are subcontractors with employee credentials.

When creating expense sheet lines, the vendor can only refer to subcontractor reconciliation purchase order lines.

If you select this check box and only one purchase order line is open for the vendor, Maconomy automatically fills out the following fields in any expense sheet lines that the vendor creates:

  • Purchase Order Number
  • Purchase Order Line
  • Job No.
  • Job Name
  • Act. No.
  • Task
  • Unit Price, Base

Allowed Use Island

While a vendor is in the creation process, you may not want users to be able to use them in all areas; however, you may want to allow vendor use in certain areas right away. The Allow fields control the areas where the vendor can be used and the approval hierarchy controls how Allow fields are set. You might decide to set up the approval hierarchy to change all the Allow fields to Yes after all steps in the approval workflow are complete. Alternatively, you may want to set it up to change specific Allow fields to Yes after certain approval steps have been completed.

For example, you may have set up approval hierarchy to change the Allow Payments field value from Yes to Requested if the payment information for a vendor is changed after the vendor has been approved. This prevents payments from being made to the vendor until the new information has been approved. You can then set up the system to change the Allow Payments field value back to Yes after the new information is approved

The Allow fields have three possible settings:
  • Yes — This allows users to use the vendor in the specified area.
  • No — This disallows users from using the vendor in the specified area.
  • Requested — If the Allow Users to Manually Set Allow Fields on Vendors to Yes system parameter is not set, you cannot manually change an Allow field to Yes. If you want to be able to use a vendor in a certain area, you can set an Allow field to Requested.

    If Maconomy has been setup to include a line on the Changes on Approve tab to change this field from Requested to Yes, then, at a specified step in the approval process, the field will change and the user will be able to use the vendor in that area of the product.

The following are the vendor Allow fields:
  • Allow for use as Subcontractor — Use this field to specify whether the vendor can be linked to a subcontractor. This is validated when the vendor is selected or changed on the employee, and when a time sheet or expense sheet is approved.
  • Allow for use as Outlay Vendor — Use this field to specify whether the vendor can be used as an outlay vendor. This is validated when the vendor is selected or changed on the employee, and when an expense sheet is approved.
  • Allow for use as Inter Company Vendor — Use this field to specify whether the vendor can be used as an intercompany vendor. This is validated when the vendor is selected or changed on the company information card or on an outlay account. It is also validated when the intercompany invoice is created.
  • Allow for use as Item Supplier — Use this field to specify whether the vendor can be used as an item supplier. Maconomy validates when a vendor is selected as an item supplier. Maconomy will also validate when an item purchase order is created or changed, and when the item purchase order quote is approved.
  • Allow Company Vendor Creation — Use this field to specify whether a company specific vendor can be created based on this vendor. A company specific vendor can either be created manually or automatic when a user makes a registration on a vendor in a new company. This is only validated at the time of creation.
  • Allow Budgets — Use this field to specify whether the vendor can be used in a G/L or job budget. Maconomy validate when the budget line is created or changed, and when the G/L budget is approved.
  • Allow Registrations — Use this field to specify whether the vendor can be used in a general journal or in bank reconciliation. Maconomy validate when the line is created or changed, and when the journal is posted or the bank reconciliation is approved.
  • Allow Requisitions and Request for Quotes — Use this field to specify whether the vendor can be used on a requisition or request for quote. Maconomy validate when the requisition or request for quote is created or changed, and when the requisition or request for quote is approved or copied.
  • Allow Purchase Orders — Use this field to specify whether the vendor can be used on a purchase order. Maconomy validate when the purchase order is created or changed, and when the purchase order is approved.
  • Allow Vendor Invoices — Use this field to specify whether the vendor can be used on a vendor invoice. Maconomy validate when the vendor invoice is created or changed, and when the vendor invoice is approved.
  • Allow Payments — Use this field to specify whether the vendor can be used for payments. This means you can make a payment selection. Changing the setting to No or Requested will result in the resetting of payment selections created for the current vendor. Such payment selections can be seen in the Change Payment Selection by Vendor window in the Banking module.
  • Allow Reporting - Use this field to specify whether the vendor can be included in standard vendor reports. Maconomy ignores vendors not allowed for reporting in the following reports where the user has selected Vendor as dimension.
    • A/P aging
    • A/P balance list
    • A/P Suspense Overview
    • Open Entry Statement
    • Periodic Statement
    • A/P Statistics
    • Vendor Information
    • G/L report lines
  • Allow for use as Template/Parent Vendor — In this field you can specify if it allowed using this vendor as a template or parent vendor. A template vendor can be entered in system information or company information. Maconomy will suggest the template vendor as parent vendor when a new vendor is created. Maconomy validate when the new vendor is created.

You can set default values for the Allow fields using a vendor template which can be used whenever a new vendor is created. When you create a new vendor, this template vendor is added in the Parent Vendor island on the Vendor Information card.

You can set up the system not to use approval hierarchy for vendors but still make use of the Allow fields.

Dimension Combination Island

Field Description
Dim. Comb. In this field, you can enter the number of a dimension combination of the type “Dimension Derivation” created in the window Dimension Combinations. The field “Description” to the right of this field displays the description of the entered dimension combination.

If you specify a dimension combination, Maconomy will use the values in this dimension combination when deriving dimensions from the current vendor. However, any dimension derivation values specified in this island will be used instead of those specified for the same dimensions in the dimension combination. This means that the dimension combination only applies to the dimensions for which no value has been entered on the vendor information card.

Derived Company Island

Field Description
Company In this field you can enter a dimension value for the Company dimension if you want this value to be derived from the current vendor. If you also want the value entered to overwrite any existing value for the dimension, you need to check the “Overwrite” box. If you choose not to do so, the dimension value will only be transferred to a table entry which is being created if no entry has been made in the field “Company” in the table entry, either manually or through a registration code.

Even if you have specified a dimension combination in the field “Dim. Comb. No.” above, a value entered in this field will be used rather than the value (if any) found for this dimension in the dimension combination in question. This means that the dimension combination only applies to this dimension if you have not entered a value in this field.

Please note that if a dimension combination has been specified in the field “Dim. Comb. No.,” a mark in the field “Overwrite” will only have effect if you have also entered a dimension value. If you mark the field “Overwrite” but you do not enter a dimension value in this field, the “Overwrite” field is ignored, as dimension values and overwriting specification are always retrieved together from the same dimension derivation island, dimension combination or dimension combination line.

The field “Description” to the right of this field displays the description of the entered dimension combination.

For more information on derived dimensions, please see the chapter “Introduction to the G/L Module” and the description of the windows Dimension Derivations and Dimension Combinations in the G/L module.

Derived Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Company No.” above.

Furthermore, the value of this field is suggested when entering vendor entries in the vendor invoice journal or the general journal. When posting a vendor journal which is created automatically, for example, a cash discount or a rate variance in connection with a payment, Maconomy will transfer the value of the field Location to the ledger entries in question. This occurs at the time of posting.

Entity The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec.1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Statistics 1-4 In these fields, you can enter an option created in the window Option Lists in the Set-Up module. This value can be used for making various statistics as, for example, 1099 reporting (in the US) and B-income tax (in Denmark) in connection with support of disclosable tax. As a vendor can be assigned to a specific 1099 type, these types can be created in the window Option Lists in the Set-Up module. See the description of the window Option Lists in the Set-Up module for further information on the use of option lists.

Remarks Island

In these fields, you can enter any remarks about the vendor.

Pay to Vendor Island

Field Description
Pay to Vendor In this field, you enter a Pay to Vendor number, if a different vendor is to receive payment for the delivery. The Pay to Vendor number indicates to which address payment is sent. The “original” (delivery) vendor is debited by the amount.

Maconomy verifies that the Pay to Vendor number exists in the system.

Payment might be directed to the Pay to Vendor if the delivery vendor uses a factoring company.

If you leave this field blank, the Pay to Vendor is automatically the same as the delivery vendor.

When using linking rules, please note that it is not possible to create a field specific linking rule for the field “Pay to Vendor” between the relations Creditor and Company Creditor in the window Linking Rules in the Set-Up module. This limitation ensures that company-specific vendors always have the same bill to customer as the global vendor to which they are assigned.

Maconomy also shows the name and address of the Pay to Vendor. The information appears when you press Return. It cannot be changed here.

Attn. This is the Pay to Vendor’s attention person; that is, the person to whom payment information directed. Maconomy inserts the name when you press Return. You cannot change it here.
Country This is the vendor’s country. The field is completed when you press Return, and it cannot be changed.
Phone This is the vendor’s phone number. The field is completed when you press Return, and it cannot be changed.
E-mail In this field, Maconomy shows the Pay to Vendor’s electronic mail address. The field is filled in when you press Return, and it cannot be changed here.

Parent Vendor Island

Field Description
Parent Vendor In this field you can enter the number of the vendor to be the parent vendor of the current vendor. By entering a parent vendor in this field and a linking rule in the field “Linking Rule” below, information can be copied from the parent vendor to the new vendor. This avoids the entering of similar information on several vendors. If a template/standard vendor has been specified in one of the windows System Information or Company Information, this field will be provided with the number of the template/standard vendor when creating a vendor. After having entered a name of the new vendor, and if you have specified a standard linking rule between the relations Creditor and Creditor in the window Linking Rules, you can now press “Enter” and the information specified in the Linking Rule will be copied from the template/standard vendor to the new vendor. If you do not wish to apply information from the template/standard vendor to new vendors, the vendor number can be changed manually.

This field also displays the name of the specified parent vendor.

Linking Rule In this field, you can specify the linking rule that you want to use between the parent vendor and the new vendor. If you have specified a parent vendor in the field “Vendor No.” above and you do not specify a linking rule in this field, Maconomy will use a standard linking rule created between the relations Creditor and Creditor in the window Linking Rules in the Set-Up module, if any. If no standard linking rule has been created, Maconomy will display an error message asking you to create a linking rule. Linking rules contain information about what information should be copied from a parent vendor to the current vendor. Linking rules are maintained in the window Linking Rules in the Set-Up module. For further information about linking rule creation and usage and rules concerning the copying of field information from parent vendors, see the description of the window Linking Rules in the Set-Up module.

Purchase Information Island

Field Description
Our Cust. No. This field shows your company’s customer number with the vendor. You refer to this number when you contact the vendor. Maconomy transfers the number to your item purchase orders.
Buyer The buyer is responsible for contact with and purchases from the vendor. The name is transferred to requests for quote, purchase orders, and item purchase orders created for the current vendor.
Price List In this field, you select the price list Maconomy uses for item purchase orders.

Price lists are maintained in the Price Lists and Quantity Discounts windows in the Inventory module.

Keep Price In this field, you can specify whether unit prices and discount percentages on item purchase order lines pertaining to the current vendor should be recalculated when changing the quantity. The value in this field is transferred to the card part of item purchase orders pertaining to the current vendor, but can be changed for each order.
Expense % In this field, you enter the expense percentage you normally incur when buying items from the vendor.

Alternatively, you can enter the fixed expenses amount on the actual item purchase order.

When items are shipped to the warehouse, the expenses are added to the item total and apportioned to item prices to give correct cost prices.

Note, if your company does not use purchase price lists, that is, if there are no purchase price lists in the system, Maconomy suggests the last cost price used at the warehouse in question as unit price on every item line. This price includes any expense incurred when you last bought the item for the warehouse selected in the field “Warehouse.” If you then enter a figure in this field, Maconomy calculates both expenses.

Invoice Discount % Here you enter the invoice discount percentage rate you normally receive from the vendor.

Alternatively, you can enter the invoice discount amount on the actual item purchase order.

When the items are shipped to the warehouse, the invoice discount is deducted from the prices to give the correct cost price.

Note, if your company does not use purchase price lists, that is, if there are no purchase price lists in the system, Maconomy suggests the last cost price used at the warehouse in question as unit price on every item line. This price includes any invoice discount received when you last bought the item for the warehouse selected in the field “Warehouse.” If you then enter a figure in this field, Maconomy calculates the invoice discount twice.

Your Ref. In this field, you enter the name of the vendor contact person. This is the person who deals with your orders.
Our Ref. In this field, you enter your company’s reference. This is the vendor’s reference to one of your company’s employees or departments, for example.
Time Unit In this field, you can specify the time unit for the vendor. The value for this field is used when you specify the vendor in any requisition, purchase order, or vendor invoice that you create.

Requisition Type Island

Field Description
Requisition Type In this field, you select the requisition type.

Warehouse Information Island

Field Description
Warehouse In this field, you select the warehouse to which items from this vendor are normally shipped. The information is used when you enter item purchase orders. The items must be assigned to the same warehouse in the Item Information Card in the Inventory module.

Inventories are maintained in the Warehouse Information Card in the Inventory module.

Delivery Terms In this field, you select which delivery terms normally apply to deliveries from the vendor. The field is used when you enter item purchase orders.

Delivery Terms are maintained in the Popup Fields window in the Set-Up module.

Delivery Mode In this field, you select which delivery mode normally applies to deliveries from the vendor. The field is used when you enter item purchase orders.

Delivery Modes are maintained in the Popup Fields window in the Set-Up module.

Access Level Island

Field Description
Name In this field you can specify the name of an access level. You only have access to the current vendor if you have been assigned to this level or a level above this in the window User Access Levels. This access control ensures that when working with for instance a purchase order, you can only enter a vendor to which you have access, and you can only see the vendor information cards of vendors to whom you have access. Please note that this access control model only applies if the standard access control configuration has not been changed in your Maconomy system. If it has, the access to vendors may depend on other factors. For further information about the standard access control configuration and access control in a multi-company model, please see the section “Introduction to the Access Control System” in the Set-Up module.

If no access level is specified, all users have access to the current vendor as long as they have access to the vendor’s settling company.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User.