Suppliers Workspace

Use this workspace to create vendors as suppliers.

A supplier is a vendor that delivers a specific item to one or more warehouses. The Supplies tab displays an item. In the Suppliers sub-tab, you can enter the vendors that deliver the current item to the current warehouse.

You can assign several vendors to a specific item in a specific warehouse. You can also indicate that a vendor delivers a specific item to all warehouses. For each supplier you can enter the item number and the text used by the supplier for the current item. Maconomy transfers this information to item purchase order lines with the current item when purchasing from the current vendor to the current warehouse. This information is also included on printouts of item purchase orders.

For each supplier of a given item, you can also enter a delivery time for delivering items to the warehouse in question. This can, for example, be a time limit within which the supplier is contractually obliged to deliver the items, or just an agreed-on or estimated time.

You do not need to create a vendor in this workspace to use the vendor on item purchase order lines, but Maconomy issues a warning if you create an item purchase order line with an item for which the selected combination of warehouse and vendor was not created in this workspace.

In the sub-tab of the Item Information Card workspace, you can specify the primary vendor of the item to the current warehouse. Maconomy uses the primary vendor when you create item purchase selections where the current item is to be purchased to the current warehouse.