Jobs Subtab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Jobs subtab.

Field Description
Job No. This field shows the job associated with the current invoice selection.
Job Name This field shows the name of the job associated with the current invoice selection.
Fixed Price Job This field shows whether the job on the line is a fixed-price job or a time and material job. If the field is marked, the job on the line is a fixed-price job.
Approve In this field, you can specify that the current invoice selection should be approved when you choose the action “Approve.” You cannot approve invoice selections that pertain to fixed-price jobs if the job parameter attribute “Allow Invoicing On Account Only” in the job parameter type “Pricing Method” is assigned the value “Yes” on the job in question. However, outlays or, more generally, non-fixed-price entries on the job will be approved, if outlays should not be included in the fixed price of a fixed-price job or if the job in question is assigned to a job allocation combination rule defining non-fixed-price entries.
Print Draft Select this checkbox to include the line in the batch printing of draft invoices.
Task Group Status This field indicates whether the job entries associated with the present job are assigned to the correct task groups. If the value in this field is “Not Up to Date,” this indicates that the task group structure is not up to date. To update the task group information, select the action “Transfer Task Groups” in the Action menu. The value will then change to “Up to Date.”

This functionality is relevant if you use a work breakdown structure in your budget, and the invoice layout rule of the job specifies that invoice selections or invoices should be grouped by task groups.

In Maconomy, a task is associated with each job entry, containing information about the task groups assigned to the task against which the job entry is posted. The information is expressed as a task group level, ranging from task group 1 to 6, where level 1 is the top level in the hierarchy.

If you change the job budget structure after posting job entries, Maconomy does not automatically update the entries with the new budget structure information, as the number of entries to update could be enormous. Updating all entries after each structural change could therefore be very time-consuming. Thus, if you change the work breakdown structure in the Job Budgets window, the budget must be resubmitted for these structural changes to be reflected in the Invoice Selection window. By resubmitting the budget or selecting this action, the task group status in this field will automatically be updated. Additionally, the task group status is automatically updated when the following actions are performed: Close All, Delimit, Apply Invoice Proposals, Transfer Fixed Price, Transfer Desired Sales Price, Transfer Budget, and Print Invoice.

For further information on work breakdown structures and task groups, see the descriptions under “Job Tasks” and under “Job Budgets.”

Includes Subjobs This field shows whether the current invoice selection is for a main job which uses “Main Job Invoicing.” For more information, please see the field “Includes Subjobs” in the window Invoice Selection.
Approved on Main Job This field shows whether the current invoice selection is for a subjob which is invoiced from its main job. For more information, please see the field “Invoiced on Main Job” in the window Invoice Selection.
Preferred Inv. Date The preferred invoice date is the date normally written on the invoice when it is printed. When you select the action “Approve,” the preferred invoice date specified in the field “Preferred Inv. Date” in the card part of the window is copied to this field on the individual invoice selection line. The field can then be changed. The date entered should be within the open posting period. If you do not enter a date in this field, today’s date is used as invoice date.
Invoice Name Here you specify the name of the invoice. When you approve the invoice selection, this name will appear in the window Invoice Editing, where you can update it. The invoice name can be added to prints of invoice and credit memos and their corresponding drafts.

The invoice name is merged into the customer entry text and the finance entry on the customer.

Invoice Type Same as the new field in the Invoice Selection tab.
Customer No. This field shows number of the customer associated with the job.
Customer Name This field shows the name of the customer associated with the job.
Company No. This field shows the number of the responsible company associated with the job. See also the window Jobs for further information about responsible companies.
Company Name This field shows the name of the selected company number.
Allow Invoice Proposals This check box shows whether the field “Allow PM Invoice Proposals” or the field “Allow Employee Invoice Proposals” has been marked in the window Jobs. If the field has been marked, one or both of these fields have been marked. For further information about this functionality, please see the description of the fields “Allow PM Invoice Proposals” and “Allow Employee Invoice Proposals” in the window Jobs.
Bill to Customer Cust. No. This field shows the number of the bill-to customer associated with the job.
Amount, Currency This field shows the total sum of the job’s entries in the currency of the job. The amount will be approved for invoicing when you select the “Approve” action.
Currency This field shows the currency of the job.
Amount, Base This field shows the total sum of the job’s entries in the base currency of the responsible company. The amount will be approved for invoicing when you select the action “Approve.” For more information about currency conversion in the Job Cost module, please see “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost Module.”
Base Currency This field shows the currency used as base currency by the company responsible for the job.
Amount, Enterprise This field shows the total sum of the job’s entries in the enterprise currency of the system.
Invoice Currency This is the invoice currency of the job. It is determined in the window Jobs and cannot be changed here.
Amount for Invoicing on Account, Invoice Currency This field shows the amount set for invoicing on account in the window Invoice Selection. The amount is specified in invoice currency.
Invoicing Plan Lines for Invoicing on Account This field shows if the job has an amount transferred from the invoicing plan.
Amount, Incl. Subjobs, Currency This field shows the total sum of the job’s entries including any entries registered on assigned subjobs. The amount is displayed in the currency of the job.
Amount, Incl. Subjobs, Base This field shows the total sum of the job’s entries including any entries registered on assigned subjobs. The amount is displayed in the base currency of the company being responsible for the job.
Amount, Incl. Subjobs, Enterprise This field shows the total sum of the job’s entries including any entries registered on assigned subjobs. The amount is displayed in the enterprise currency of the system.
Open Sales Price, Currency This field shows the open sales price equivalent to the sum of job entries not yet invoiced on the current job.
Open Sales Price, Base This field shows the open sales price in base currency equivalent to the sum of job entries not yet invoiced on the current job.
Open Sales Price Incl. Subjobs, Currency This field shows the open sales price of the job including the open sales price of any subjobs assigned to the job in question. The amount is displayed in the job’s currency.
Open Sales Price Incl. Subjobs, Base This field shows the open sales price of the job including the open sales price of any subjobs assigned to the job in question. The amount is displayed in the base currency of the company being responsible for the job.
Prev. Invoiced Incl. Subjobs, Currency This field shows the billing price total, including subjobs, that were previously invoiced to the customer, in the job’s currency.
Prev. Invoiced Incl. Subjobs, Base This field shows the billing price total, including subjobs, that was previously invoiced to the customer, in the job’s base currency.
Prev. Invoiced, Currency The field shows the sum of previously invoiced entries on the current job in the currency of the job.
Prev. Invoiced, Base The field shows the sum of previously invoiced entries on the current job in base currency.
Budget, Currency This field shows the total sum of budgeted activities on the current job in the window Job Budgets in the currency of the job.
Budget, Base This field shows the total sum of budgeted activities on the current job in the window Job Budgets in base currency.
Settling Company No. This field show the number of the settling company associated with the current job.

If the number in this field is different from the company number in the field “Company No.,” intercompany entries between the two companies will automatically be created in connection with posting job invoices on the current job. When balancing intercompany entries, the company specified in this field is the intercompany company. However, if the system parameter “Create intercompany entries for companies with same parent company” is not marked, intercompany entries are only created if the two companies involved are not both assigned to the same parent company.

The section “Multiple Companies” in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L Module” contains a more detailed description of settling companies and how the settling company is defined. The concept “intercompany entries” is further described in the window Intercompany Accounts in the G/L module.

Settling Company Name This field shows the name of the selected settling company number. The value is this field cannot be changed.
Department This field shows the name of the department associated with the current job.
Description This field shows the internal description of the current job. The value in this field is transferred from the first line in the field “Internal” in the window Jobs and cannot be changed here.