Payment Remittances Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Payment Remittances sub-tab.

Field Description
Line Type In this field, you can select the line type to be assigned to the current remittance line. You can choose between the types “Header,” “Invoice Text” and “Footer.” Headers and footers are only printed once per payment order, whereas the invoice text is printed per invoice and credit memo.
New Remittance Line If you mark this field, Maconomy will create a new remittance line starting with the field assigned to this table line.
Left Margin In this field, you can enter the number of blank characters of which the left margin should consist. If the remittance text stretches over several remittance lines, the margin specified in this field will apply to all lines. However, this margin will only be included on a printout if the relevant field is the first on a remittance line.
Prefix In this field, you can enter a text which will be put in front of a remittance field. The text entered in this field is printed each time the table line is printed. If, for example, the current line is of the type “Header,” the prefix entered in this field could be “Invoice No.” or “Amount.”
Remittance Field In this field, you can choose among a number of remittance field options and thereby choose which type of information to give the payee. If you have selected a line of the type “Header” on the first line of the table and specified that the prefix on that line should be “Invoice No.,” you could on the subsequent line select the line type “Invoice Text” and select the remittance field “Invoice No.” By doing so, the remittance will contain a header with the name “Invoice No.” with the actual invoice numbers placed below this header.

The options in the pop-up field are described in the field “Remittance 1-4” in the card part.

Suffix In this field, you can enter a text which will be appended to the remittance field.
Right Margin In this field, you can enter the number of blank characters of which the right margin should consist. If the remittance text stretches over several remittance lines, the margin specified in this field will apply to all lines. However, this margin will only be included on a printout if the relevant field is the first on a remittance line.
Length In this field, you can enter the total length of the fields “Prefix,” “Remittance Field” and “Suffix.” The length defined in this field must be exclusive of the margins defined in the fields “Left Margin” and “Right Margin.” If a certain field exceeds more than one remittance line, it will be split into more lines. The number of lines is thus not fixed, but depends on the lengths of the above-mentioned fields. If, for example, the length of a field is specified to be 150 and a line can contain maximum 30 characters (as specified in the field “Max. Characters per Line” in the island Remittance), the field will be split over five lines.
Alignment In this field, you can specify whether the current field should be aligned to the right or the left. Amount fields are normally aligned to the right, while other fields are aligned to the left.
Fill Character In this field, you can enter a fill character. If the length of the text you are transferring is less than the value entered in the field “Length,” Maconomy repeats the character entered here to fill in the space. If you leave the field blank, the remittance text will be filled in with blanks.